
What Should I Do When Fighting A Bigger Guy?

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I'm probably wind up fighting this bigger kid in school. I'm not running like a *****, not kicking him in the nuts. I got good upper body stregth, can bench about 180. But again, i'm a lot smaller then him. I'm about 5'6 130 and he's about 5'8 150 (probably more). He's not big like muscular, but big like fat. I heard kicking his legs/knees could work? is that true?




  1. Direct Throat Hit (if you can find it)

    Hitting him in the balls is a good weakness point, which he will then reach over and gasp for breath, then its good to knee him.

    Or if you have a good arm aim for his face quickly which will give him a shock and letting you hit wherever.

  2. all you have to do is punch him with a hard, quick jab in the throat.  When he grabs and gasps for air (which he will) just keep pounding him in the face.  You'll have him down in a few hits!

  3. Fight as dirty as you can. A shot to the nose, even a light jab, will cause his eyes to tear. You can follow that up by kneeing/elbowing him into submission. I'd personally hit him in the nuts for two reasons. One you win that fight, people can talk c**p, but you still won. Second, if you hit him in the nuts hard enough its unlikely he'll try to go for a rematch.

  4. u may just lose this one but props for going for it.  if hes bigger dont get into a wrestling type fight- use ur lightness and therefor speed to your advantage.  Keep moving and throw some quick jabs and punches, if u see an opportunity for a big punch throw it with all u got.  good luck

  5. Make him Tap Out to a submission hold. May I suggest one of the most dangerous moves like the "Gogoplata" I always use that then next thing you know the guy's mouth is bleeding.

  6. most likely hes gunna just come at you and throw wildly

    stay fast on your feet, side to side movement, this forces his body to have to turn, and as he is you can counter punch him

    when hes trying to catch up, kick him hard in the legs

    thigh and shins mainly

    don't do that throat jab thing people are telling you

    you could end up causing his throat to close if your not careful, and trust me some stupid after school fight turning into a murder charge is not what you want

    kick his legs, try to avoid most his punches, he will get gassed

    if you see the opportunity, try to use a takedown on him, drop him to the ground, kick his thigh hard with the toe of your shoe

    fyi this will hurt your toe, but hurt him more

    inner thigh holds more nerves then outer

    and something to remember, you can always walk away, the bigger man isn't always the one who wins, but the one who goes home at the end of the day

  7. If you won't back down/off and you don't want the S N O T beat out of you I would sugget that you fight dirty. There is another alternative - concede that he is the biggest s****.and walk away. There is no shame in admitting that the bigger person is going to beat you senseless and denying him the pleasure.

    I had this football 'hero' follow me all through Highschool and I never once gave him the satisfaction of landing a blow. Frustrated the S H I T out of him and I still retained the respect of my peers. I even earned his respect but it took a long, long time. To this day I can proudly say that I have never hit another human being out of anger.

    I did break someones jaw many years ago but he was beating a woman and I caught a lucky break. And I still don't feel very good about that.

  8. u need to be in control..ive seen a ton of street fights with big guys who have no control of their punches and just flail all over the place.  Protect your face, and wait for that knock out blow.  More than likely a good first punch to some punk kid will send him flying. Once he is on the ground, get on top of him and do the ground and pound technique, use your body weight so he cannot counter your blows

  9. Personally, I got kicked there but it didn't hurt at all. It might depend on the individual but most amateurs has weak shins so I would kick the guy in the shin using the tip of my shoes.

  10. Take that f**ker to the ground since you've got better ground game. Or whack him hard in the nose and then when you get in close elbow away. When he's on the ground stomp on his face or kick him in the liver.

    Or you could tell your teacher.

    Works for me.

  11. if you want more varities and moves you should visit this site at

    the information inside is so rich that it will blow you away! you can sure win this fight!

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