
What Should I Do? >__<?

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With less then two weeks before school begins I NEED to read two

books: Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns and The Bean Trees by

Barbara Kingsolver for my honors Summer Reading homework, not to

mention complete a two part assignment for each book. Thing is, all of

the books at my local library are checked out and those pending to be

returned are on hold. I am in a line for the books and I don't have time

to wait. Should I buy them from Barnes And Nobles and return them

within a week? Thanks.




  1. I have a question, do you live near any college campuses and do you have friends in college. I know the state I live in has inter-library loans for students. If this is not the case, I would talk to your librarian. They MIGHT be able to get it from other libraries in your state. If that won&#039;t work, I agree with the person who posted before me, don&#039;t wait. Order the books fast. Look at, and I looked at for you and they have copies of Cold Sassy Tree available for a a penny, add the shipping and the whole thing will cost you less than $4. They have The Bean Trees too for 1 penny. Also ships from all over, I know of two sites on the west coast and one in Michigan. I bought tons of books from them recently and received them in about a week.

    Good Luck.

  2. You answered one of my questions about Cold Sassy Tree. I have to do the Bean Trees too. This is really weird. What are the initials of the school you are going to this year? I want to know if we are going to the same school. You can answer my question by editing your question.

    I couldn&#039;t find the books from my local library either, so I bought them from Barnes and Nobel. You better hurry or you are going to very streesed out.

    Also, if you do buy the books, I would NOT return them. This is because I am sure you will need them for class disscusions.

    You wrote that the initials are SC? What is your name? Are you a freshman, sophmore, junior or senior?

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