
What Should I Do!???????????

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I want to play soccer for my school this year but i really don't want to do pre-season because it wastes the rest of my summer. I have the choice of not doing it but i think it will disappoint my parents if i Don't. What Should i do.




  1. Well just think about you'll miss in either situation. Family Pride or Self-Trust? Either way, both can be heavy burdens to bear.

  2. do whats in your heart

  3. Tell your parents what you are thinking and try to come up with a solution with them-insterad of trying to figure it out on your own or asking complete strangers.

    Theywill listen if you talk about it rationally.

  4. Do what you think will make you the most happy long term. If you will miss playing soccer during the year, you should do pre-season. Sometimes we have to sacrifice at the beginning to get the good stuff in the end. But, if you don't enjoy it, then you should do something else you are interested in.

    There isn't much time left in the summer though....and time goes by fast! So, you won't have to "give up" too much time.

    If you just don't want to play soccer at all, talk to your parents about it and find out what else you can do. But, don't give it up if you really do love it. Good luck.

    If you love what you do, you aren't really "giving up" anything as much as you are investing your time instead in the thing you love.

    Plus, it's so much fun to look back after a season and see how much you have progressed after you have invested that time in yourself!

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