
What Should I Eat As A Vegetarian?

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I need to know. My grandma make too much meat and I'm tired of it. So I'm going vegetarian.




  1. Fruits and vegetables, grains, legumes, soy products.  Go to your local public library and get a book on vegetarianism, and also a book of vegetarian recipes, take a daily multi vitamin.

  2. Eat veggies

  3. rice, & beans for protein, veggies & fruit of course

    they have like substitute meat stuff made of like soy products, its reallyyy goood.

    like meatless hamburgers

    & the morning star corn dogs are really good [even if you don't like real corn dogs...]

    your gunna love being vegetarian (:

  4. Everything everybody said (I have to admit, the morning star corn dogs are probably one of the few vegeterian fake meat foods they really did a good job with, they ARE good), plus pasta. I eat alot of Macaroni and Cheese, 3 Cheese Lasagna and Vegetarian Pizza.

  5. Be sure to eat a balanced diet of veggies, fruit, legumes, and whole grains. Also, take a multi-vitamin and a B12 suppliment.

  6. foods that dont involve animals such as fruits, vegies, seeds, and nuts

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