
What Should I Expect At a Callback?!?

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Hello there!:) How's everyone today? I hope everyone's good because I have a question for all you experienced actors and artistic directors. Okay, so I auditioned for a High School Production and just got a call back a day or two ago. They sent me the sides of all the characters and said this:


Here are the sides for you to read over for your audition. Check the index on the first page and only read the roles appropriate for your age and gender. You may not be asked to read every side provided, it will depend on the combinations of actors the artistic director wants to see. If you have any questions, feel free to email me or call me at (Her number).

-Her Name

...At the first audition I gave them my headshot & resume. Do I bring extras, the sides, and what else do I bring??

10 points will given to who gives the most descriptive answer and tells me what I want to know, any and every answer needed! <33

Thanks a ton,

-TQA (The Queen of Acting)




  1. In the past when I have done call backs [this is for musical theater, but its the same concept] What happens is they will ask you to read the lines they give you, and will pair you up with someone who they see would fit the role of the other person, and you will read your lines, other people will do this as well. Depending on the amount of people they call back, they may narrow it down and run the scene again, you might be put with other people.

    The thing about call backs is, its all about impressing and giving it your all, in anything they ask you to do. Memorize the lines, come prepared, don&#039;t be shy, treat it like its an actual performance, show your talent, present yourself nicely, show respect and show that this is what you want to do.

    Depending on what they are considering casting you as, they might [or might not] ask you to read for other characters.Just remember, call backs are almost always good, it means they are considering you for a lead role, or one with a speaking part.

    good luck! and i hope i helped! and remember that you might not get the role you are hoping for, but thats part of the acting buisness, you will most likely get rejected more than you get accepted into these things.

  2. Callbacks are always different. It sounds like you were given readings, which makes things easy.

    I&#039;ve had quick callbacks, where they just have you repeat a bit of what you already read, medium callbacks, and callbacks from h**l.

    A medium level callback may include brief readings for different characters so the director can see where and if you&#039;ll fit in. You may be asked to reread a part several times with different people, to see how you all interact together.

    A callback from h**l can take hours, but I doubt you&#039;d see one in high school. I&#039;ve been asked to learn and dance a short routine and then perform it, even though there was no dancing in the show, sing when I wasn&#039;t expecting to, and interact in a s**y way with a prospective leading man in a very graphic situation to see if we had chemistry. At my most recent callback (Dolly in Annie Get Your Gun) there were SEVEN women called back for the same part. First we all did one scene, then we all did another, then each danced again, then each sang again...the whole thing took close to three hours before they made a decision. It was brutal...  

    To prepare for what this particular case, you should definitely STUDY all possible CHARACTERS you may be cast as, so that you have the PERSONAS down pat when you read for them. Study the lines they gave you, but be mentally prepared in case they give you some cold reading. Above all, when you&#039;re up on that stage, try to focus and give it all the energy you&#039;ve got.

    To prepare in general, in addition to studying characters and any accents needed, I always make sure to have an extra monologue prepared, a folder with sheet music for a few different songs prepared, and my character shoes with the 2.5 inch heels so I don&#039;t clump around loudly on the stage. I also always bring extra head shots, which have my bio glued to the back and water and a snack in case things go on forever. I wear simple casual dressy clothes, no white because it looks bad under stage lights, and a lighter version of stage makeup. I make sure I get plenty of sleep the night before so I&#039;m prepared to give it my all.

  3. always bring headshots to anything that you do in acting no matter what... you never know when the casting director is going to ask for more.  basically, if you get a callback... it means that they must really like you.  But the thing is... it is like 10 times more pressure on your side because you know that everyone there that day is probably very talented too since they were good enough to make it to the call back.  So make sure that you prepare and perform your absolute best.  Try to memorize the slides a little so you feel more confident when you are on stage. Its only a high school production so i doubt that its going to be really intense... but it is very good experience if you want to get into the professional field of acting.  Good luck with everything you do... BREAK A LEG!

  4. I think it&#039;s been made quite clear what is expected, and you should assume to DO what has been suggested.

       No offense, but this may actually be a better learning experience, since you seem to have an ego, and have never been rejected.

       Certainly it won&#039;t hurt to have that packet of info. again, with you, though it won&#039;t likely matter. What will matter is you following the instructions offered in the call back process. One thing it may teach you is that you may have to WORK for the role, as competition seems apparent, and something you may not have encountered until now.

       Simply put, a call back shows interest, and as can be seen here in Q&amp;A often,,,,and undecided question about choice.

       Beyond that it&#039;s High School, not a make it or break it choice you have to make between Peanut butter or Steak.

  5. Every place is different, so I suggest that you email her and specifically ask her what she wants. Tell her you WANT to be prepared, and want to know what to bring, and be ready for.

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