
What Should I Say To My Meddling Mother?

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My mom and dad have 5 kids. The oldest is 31 and the youngest is 18 years old. Right now my parents are living in two seperate states (California & North Carolina). My mom and I are living in North Carolina with my brother and my older sister's 2 daughters.

My problem is my mom meddles in EVERYTHING my brother does. He is 28 years old and has to give him a 'suggestion' on every little thing he does. I don't know how she hasn't driven him insane because she has power of attorney over him since he's in the military and is constantly going back and forth to Iraq.

My problem is that she does the same thing to me (I'm 20 yrs old) and she feels like her advice is straight from the Gods and its not. How do I politely tell my mother to stop manipulating and meddling in my life?




  1. Tell her our children are like arrows.  We have to release them before they can hit their target.

  2. "hey mom!...your pissing me off...stop manipulating and meddling in my life, or i wont keep talking to you... i love you but you acting like________ makes me not want to be around you"

    that usually works..... try it and good luck

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