I'm 16 with a 2 year old daughter, Kymberleigh. She is the light of my life and when I found out I was pregnant in Oct of 2005 her Father's parents talked me into getting emancipated and marrying him. We are on the verge of finalizing our divorce now. He was verbally and mentally abusive to me and I finally left him Feb 28th of 2006. Well, he started dating my ex best friend and now they are "engaged." He sent me a message on MySpace the other day and told me that he is going to sign over his parental rights of our daughter to me, so he can finish our divorce for $150. He has never sent her anything for her birthday, or any other holiday, never bothered to pick up a phone and call to talk to her or see how shes doing, but I have taken her to see him a few times since we have been seperated. I have a new fiance now, an Army Soldier who loves Kymberleigh and I to no end, and wouldn't mind her calling him "Daddy" when shes good and ready, but I'm not to sure about all of this. How do I tell her that her Daddy signed over his rights so he wouldn't have to pay child support and have anything to do with her anymore? How do you explain that to a child? I know I don't need to do it now, but in the future, this is going to rise up. Can Anyone Help Me?
This is a picture of My Daughter, Kymberleigh, and I.
&& This is a picture of my Fiance, Brad, and Kymberleigh.
Thank You All For Any Help That Can Be Given. =]