
What Should I do About My Bff trying to steal my bf by taking naughty pictures of herself and showing him??? ?

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Just the other day my bff Judy and my cousin Andrea spent the night over my house. They both know i have a bf named Tito. My cousin is friends with him, but my bff never seened him before. So the next day when the three of us woke up i went downstaires to get breakfast. And judy & andrea stayed upstaires. So my cousin andrea pulled out her camera to show my bff judy the photos from when she was in florida. then judy asked andrea for a picture of my bf. andrea told she didnt have one. This is what made me mad. Judy told my cousin to take naughty pictures of her and then show them to my bf. What should i do????????????????????????? plz help im really mad at her and i just want to fight her but idk if i should cuz shes not worth it. plz give me advice.




  1. your boyfriends name is "Tito" HAHAHAHAH, sorry but that made me burst out laughing :P

    well your "bff" is a s**t, simply to put it. Ditch her find a new friend, and freak at your cousin for actually taking the pictures. Tell your Tito, that your "bff" is a w***e. He'll understand and stay away from her. hopefully.

  2. if u heard it from ur cousin u might want to ask ur friend if its true, if it is ask her why she would do that. hope u kno wen she is lieing.  ( i would be really mad if my friend did that )

    hope i helped

  3. wow what a s**t! a true friend wouldn't do this. you need to set this ***** straight! i think shes jealous. the fact that she would do that is kind of pathetic really... you and your cousin should talk to her. that way it will be more comfortable for you when you guys get together and tell her how wrong she is.  

  4. Don't necessarily trust your cousin on that one. (Wait, If she's your BFF, how come she's never seen him before?) Just ask your friend if she asked Andrea to do that or not. If she says 'no', then you have to make a choice. I would say just go to your boyfriend and let him know what could possibly be going on. If he's aware, then it won't be that big if he actually DOES get any pics. Other than that, don't be mad at either of them yet, not until you get to the bottom of who is lying. If your BFF is lying, then go ahead and show her a few choice of words and leave her. Thank your cousin for telling you & don't talk to Judy anymore.

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