
What Should I do After We Catch the Thug Who keeps Breaking into our Home?

by  |  earlier

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Last night, at about 1:30 AM, I was half asleep on the couch after a hard day's work of being on Y!A, when I heard a sound like somebody was beating on the trailer. I looked out the window only to see nothing. This morning, the back door of the add-on was wide open, the light was on in there, and the glass we had duct-taped to the window to cover the hole in it was torn down. The door that goes from the add-on to the trailer was locked and shut still. Tonight we are ready for them to show up. When we catch the thug, what should we do with him/her to keep him/her in our house and unable to injure us until the police arrive? Should I keep the BB rifle pointed at him/her and make him/her, think it's real, or just bash him/her upside the head with a frying pan? Be creative. I wanted mom to tip off the sheriff, but she will not. And I am not old enough to report a crime or do a tip off. I tried earlier.




  1. Take a 12 volt car battery and wire it to the door k**b. It will jolt them and may never return. Also can beat the c**p out of them, shoot them all while inside the house. Its legal. BUT if do outside the home, you the one in trouble.

  2. i say put some lead in his head! lol ha ha ha

  3. self defense man, I'd say shoot the BB rifle...

  4. I would hit the b*****d over the head with the frying pan and then I would tie his hands and ankles together with a rifle to his head until the police get there. I hate people that can't leave other people stuff alone. Hit him over the head for me too.

  5. Duct tape. After you have whoever it is down, from other suggestions on here, duct tape them, make a good job of it. Then beat the c**p out of them, while the cops are on their way. Be sure and post your results!  I for one will be looking for it.

  6. I say sleep in the add-on  with you 12 gauge locked and loaded with seasoned salt  garlic powder and pepper and shoot the critter . Make sure to have the grill ready since the meat will already be seasoned.

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