
What Should I do about this babysitting job?

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I have been babysitting for 2 kids for about 6 months now. I have never had any problems getting paid. As of July 28, I have not been paid in a month. The couple I babysit for owes me about $560 for babysitting. Now when I call them, no one answers the phone. I have tried calling them numerous times, no one answers, and no one calls me back. I was supposed to be babysitting this week, and have not even heard anything about that. So now, what should I do?

I don't know what to think. Everyone I talked to seems to think they are avioding me because they don't have my money for babysitting, which could be what it is. But over the course of babysitting, I have become friends with the couple and have become really close to their kids. I would like to think that they wouldn't do anything like this to me. But I really can't think of any other explanation. Unless I did something wrong and they are upset about it, but I can't think of anything I did wrong. What do i do?




  1. They are avoiding you because they have sunk so deep in debt with you. They prob. don't know where to begin in talking about it with you. Can you leave a message? Or even if you see them in a store, tell them that you understand they may feel bad that they owe you so much money, but you are willing to take payments. Tell them you really enjoy watching their kids and you like their family. Be as positive as you can be and they will  be more willing to want to pay you back.

  2. It sounds like you havent done anything wrong and they are avoiding you. If they thought as much of you as you obviously think of them, then they wouldnt be doing this to you. Dont babysit for them again until they pay you every penny they owe.

    Good luck x*x

  3. Are you still living with your parents? Have your parents call their parents and leave a message/ go to their house. Tell them you would love to babysit for them again, but you need to be paid weekly from here on out. Tell them if money is a problem, you can work out a payment plan on YOUR terms. Even if you did something wrong, they should have corrected you and PAID YOU. Go after them without being too nasty or they'll have you arrested!

  4. You need to get your money. It doesnt matter if you did do something wrong or not, you need to get the money that you earned. If you did do something wrong, then they are just being passive aggressive by not telling you why they are upset. If they valued you as a person who takes care of their children, which they should, then they would respect you and want you to do the best job possible. I believe that parents should treat their babysitters with the utmost respect and courtesy at ALL times, because the babysitters are 100% responsible for the parents children when the parents are absent. I think that parents forget this and it is a huge mistake on their part. You need to get the respect you deserve.

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