
What Should i Say to my doctor?

by  |  earlier

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OK well here we go, i have been on percocet and vicodin for 7 months now, But i lost my doctor 4 months ago. I have a Lagitament back problem from the army. And well when i go in to a doctors office and tell them what my previous doctor gave me or what i am here for, i get automatically labeled as a addict looking for pills to get fucked up. Honest to god thats not what i want, but taking those pills has been the only thing that has worked, ive been throught pain managment physical theropy steriod shots...u name it. I have just been getting ripped off by peopole on the street, i am spending 60 to 80 dollars to get 10 or 20 pills, any ways i am tired of it.....HOW CAN I SEE A DOCTOR AND GET THESE PILLS WITH OUT BEING LABELED????? PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME




  1. Go to a pain specialist. Not really a pain clinic. These doctors know that most of their patients are also addicted, with the help of a doctor. You most likely will have to see them once a month and sign a contract that you will not use drugs from any other source. They are usually quite generous with the drugs. I sometimes wonder if they are just legal pushers but they do help people such as yourself.  I am a pharmacist and once worked down the street from such a place. None of these patients ever "lose" their Vicodin or "accidentally" drop them in the toilet. If you need them for your pain you will get along fine, but if you are looking for "extras" to sell, forget it.  People such as yourself really make me wish I could find a new solution to this pain pill epidemic. Most people would be appalled at the scope of this problem. I suffer with you EVERY DAY.

  2. This is all dependent upon the source of your back problem. If you have a misaligned disk, a broken back, muscle spasms, or whatever...a doctor will treat accordingly.

    You need to go into the doctor with the attitude that you want to get better not that you want perks or vic. Whether that means taking MRIs, X-rays, PET scans, CT need to comply so that you can get better and not need the pills anymore.

    Go into the doctor complaining about your back problem and don't tell him what you were prescribed until he goes into what he wants to do to help you. If he recommends physical therapy, or steroid shots, tell him that they were unsuccessful and that you really need this problem fixed.

    However, keep in mind that vic and perk are EXTREMELY addictive pills and that it may be possible that you are both in pain and addicted.

    I hope I helped!

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