
What Size Should i be for Jeremy Burton Snowboard 2008?

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hello, i am about 5 foot 8 inces and i weigh about 20 lbs but i can gain a few. I wear 11 size boots. I was wondering if i am a good size for the Jeremy Burton board. There are three sizes 151,156,159 . Please tell me which i am best for or if it wont work




  1. 156 kicks @$$ i am about the same size as you and i have one

  2. It depends on what kind of boarding you do...powder, or moguls, or park...?

  3. dude, i dont know about the sizes.... if you want to go free-riding, dont get the jeremy burton, not worth it. if you want to do park/freestyle: 144 cm (too small for jeremy burton)

    if you want this for freeride (though its not a freeride board): 150.

    all mountain: around 147

    you shouldnt get a board thats too big if your going park (you want it to be below your chin)

    check out other boards, the burton blunt is a great board, the burton custom... you need to shop around more, because that board doesnt come in the right size for park for you. however you will grow into it, but it will be harder to use if its longer.

    good luck

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