
What Size Weights Should I Lift?

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I Am 14 And 5ft8 I Am Just Wondering I have Started Weights And The weights I Have are 2kg, 1/2 kg, 1 1/4 kg are these sizes ok to lift ? should i lift one arm at a time or both at the same time i am not that sure just want to get my muscles up a bit more cheers any help greatly appreciated :)




  1. lol

  2. the one that ur comfortable with, u should be fine as long as u dont listen to spades

  3. Eddie why don't you ask this in the sports section

    We are more specialized in penises. here.


    And your question is no health it?

  4. You shouldn't be lifting weights. If you are, it should be 5lbs each arm and taken very slowly. Lifting heavy weight at a young age can stunt your growth and cause premature arthritis.  

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