
What Snack Brands Do You Buy?

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For everything able from Earths Best, we get that brand. That includes formula (for the adopted triplets), baby food (for on the go, I usually make my own), baby cereal, and when they are older, the pasta and teething biscuits and juice etc.

For the 4 year olds, we get just about everything they offer for their age in that brand. That includes cookies, cereal bars, juice boxes, milk boxes, and applesauce.

For everything else (that they don't offer and for my husband and I and Bella (14), we get any other Organic brand. We see which brand of that particular food has the least sugar and most nutrients. You?




  1. Have you ever seen the show john and kate plus 8? They are stricktly an organic family. You should watch a few of there organic shows. One of them is the show with sarah snow the other is when they go to the farm and get there beef. My husband and I have our own garden-- cant get much more organic then that. Next year ill be planting strawberry and raspberry. Gerber does have a few good ones- there not advertised organic but there still low sugar and have good nutrients. The puffs are nice and my daughter loves the yogurt drops. I tasted one and wondered how a child could stand that much flavor.  

  2. nabisco is very good. but the hundred calorie snack packs are vcery good. also, smart /healthy (?) choice soy crisps

  3. oreo cookies,trix cereal,hi c juice boxes

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