
What! So Mayweather is not going to fight with De la Hoya after all?

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What! So Mayweather is not going to fight with De la Hoya after all?




  1. There is one rule to good negotiating:  always be willing to walk away from the proverbial table without a deal.  But the only way that's effective is if you mean it.  I have the feeling that Mayweather means it, and if you want to dance with the prettiest girl, you better first pay the piper, then bring your A-game and come to fight.

    I apologize for my hackneyed cliches and mixed metaphors in answering this Q.

  2. Upping his appearance value!

    Much like "Oscar" Floyd is more Businessman/Performer than fighter these days. My gut tells me Floyd is in negotiations with Golden Boy Productions over how much money is coming his way come Sept. De La Hoya has done the same thing in the past. Many have!

    He's retired from "real competition" but is willing to perform against those with deep enough pockets to pull him out of "retirement!"

    Oscar is the key to that fight happening. He believes he can beat Floyd and Oscar hates the fact that he lost a split decision to the kid. Oscars pride is being held hostage lets see if he pays. . .

  3. Some people will do anything for attention.   If Mayweather is half as smart as he wants us to think he is,  he would KNOW that Miguel Cotto is the ONLY man he should be fighting.    The rematch with DLH is not even necessary.  

    Oscar's is with the elite group for Today's fighters but Cotto represents the same kind of challenge Duran or Benitez represented to Leonard.  THAT is why They are great.  They FOUGHT each other.  

    I commend Floyd for moving up to fight Oscar but he's cheating the public if he thinks he can ''waltz'' around the Oscar again then ride off into the sunset.   He has the RIGHT to retire.   And the FANS have the RIGHT to NOT consider him great.  

    Cotto, Mosley, Margarito.  Put 2 of those names under your belt Floyd.  THEN we can talk about "Great"  

    Floyd is just reading his own press.  He has this delusional belief that people are more into his foolish ''bling bling'' life style.  Money Mayweather,  It's the stupidest nic-name I've ever heard for a fighter.   We'll see where all that money is in 2 years.  

    He's good,  NOT great at all,  and he can NEVER be considered great at this point.  NONE of his opponents appear on anyone's P4P list.  DLH comes closest and we see where his career went.   He, too, did "Good" things but certainly NOT great.   And Ring Mag once said he would KO both Leonard and Hearns.  


    Just like Floyd Mayweather is if he thinks he could dare be mentioned with TRUE GREATS like Leonard and Hearns.

  4. That's too bad.

  5. did Mayweather really retire I have not heard anything

  6. He will be back, once he starts hearing the coward calls that he rightfully deserves, he will be back for a big pay day. And if he doesn't then we all know that he couldn't have beaten Cotto anyways. Which i never thought he could anyways.

    I guess he is thinking along the lines of its better to remain a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt. At least now he can avoid a possible loss to Oscar, and a certain loss in my mind to Cotto.

    If he thinks people are going to buy into the hype and put him down as a pound for pound great hes got another thing coming. As soon as Cotto becomes huge and the next fighters take the stage he will be forgotten and his legacy will fade until all people remember of him is that he Ducked Miguel Cotto.

    Money Mayweather... he said it himself, Money over heart, you cant be great without heart and certainly Mayweather has proven that he has no heart and no certainly no pride.

    Boo Mayweather, he ripped off boxing fans and the sport. He just spit in the face of the sport that has made him rich.

    What a coward, Leonard,Hearns,Duran, his name should never be mentioned when talking about real greats.

  7. Floyd Mayweather Jr.'s stunning news KOs plans for rich rematch with Oscar De La Hoya

  8. if he beats oscar again their would be too much pressure on him to fight the winner of margarito/cotto . i think thats the real reason he retired

  9. Frankly, I'd be surprised if Floyd stays gone. His "retirement" could be a negotiating ploy.

  10. This cowardly man is dodging Cotto.  Mayweather has only earned his reputation fighting bums.  Why doesnt he accept Cotto's challenge?  I'm not surprised at all.

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