
What Soldiers was Biden Talking About When he Asked God to Protect Our Troops?

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Were those the "cold blooded marine murderers" at Haditha?




  1. Uh, U.S. soldiers?

    UPDATE: That is Jack Murtha, not Joe Biden.

  2. What part of "our troops" don't you understand? Our military of course.

  3. God bless everyone. Osama bin Laden, George W Bush, Obama. Everyone has sinned and therfore is equal in the morality department.

  4. The soldiers of The United States of America. The ones you chickenhawks hate so much that you sent them into iraq under-manned, under-equipped and without an exit strategy.

  5. Well, we are at war in Irac and Afghanistan. What other soldiers would he be referring to?

  6. Murtha said our marines are murderers.

    Biden didn't disagree.

  7. Hey idiot, Biden's son leaves for Iraq next month. Have you ever been to Iraq?

  8. His son is a soldier @sshole!

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