
What Sport Is Best...Rugby Or Football (Soccer) ?

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What Sport Is Best...Rugby Or Football (Soccer) ?




  1. You need brains and muscle to play rugby where in soccer all you need is mmmmm well mmmmmm a mommy's boy crying about getting ankle tackled he, he, he, heee!!!

  2. Rugby!!

  3. Rugby, greatest sport on the planet. All out brutality for 80 minutes. You play for your team unlike footballers who play for their bank balances.

    Oh and Ayiza, i think you'll find Rugby is an Olympic sport.

  4. Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls.

  5. Rugby all the way - you get to use your whole body, so the sport is much more demanding all-round, also meaning that you learn a greater variety of skills. There is a lot of rolling around in mud, and football is for cowards. And you get to smash people!

  6. Rugby Union hands down!!!!

  7. I'd have to say soccer only because here in America we get very little exposure to rugby. Also, I've played soccer for 16 years, so I am biased.

  8. no discussion possible... RUGBY...

    compare the two by how the pro's behave on the pitch and it says enough.

    and at amateur level, you can have the hardest match and still grab a pint with your opponent afterwards to discuss the game in good spirits...

    for example, last saturday we (Bancroft) beat Millwall 40-7 in the cup final, clear win... afterwards they stuck around at our place for beers and food and singing... show me some footy teams who would do that...

  9. Football.

    Rugby is not even an Olympic sport.

    I am not saying Rugby is bad it very good in its own way.

  10. Rugby!!! Because it's a fast paced running game.In soccer the final score is normally something like 2-1,but in rugby there's a lot more points and trys!

  11. I prefer rugby. It's just better, you know? as a way of keeping fit, rugby demands both strengh and endurance in both parts of the body, while soccer demands little endurance and strengh in the legs, and no fitness at all above.

    As a spectator sport, human beings like hits, and cleverness soccer has strategy, but you cannot see it as a spectator, while you can figure out exactly what is a rugby team's strategy.

    As for sportsmanship.. soccer players, being the overpaid dumbs they are, they exaggerate even the minimum injury and cry and limp to get the referee's attention, and when they don't get it, oh boy! whereas rugbiers are like soldiers, eager to give the 1000% what a soccer player gives, for 10% the money (or in my country, Argentina, no money at all, yet they proved themselves to be great players on the last years).

    As for hooliganism, there are pseudo-mafias in european and south american soccer clubs, which kill each other over a victory or a defeat, while in rugby I can wear a Naval Liceum (my club) t-shirt during a C.U.B.A match and not only survive, but make friends.

  12. rugby(league)without a doubt...the game is 100 miles an hour for 80"s a contact game,whereas these days in football,you tackle someone you get penalised...your on attack or defence for the whole game,there"s no hiding place.....and there"s always a score,unlike the so called"greatest game"where u get the boring 0-0scores...

  13. More Rugby- faster, more scoring, more exciting, more physical....

    all in all just a baller sport

  14. rugger

  15. rugby is the best in rugby you don't fall over if you get hurt you play on for your teammates as they would do for you to be honest i think that football is a girls game as i play rugby and love it

  16. depends which rugby

    im a leeds rhinos fan

    i would watch union a bit more but theres too many rules and its all field position and kicking.

    100% rugby league

    0% union

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