
What State was the worst that you have been to and why?Have you bad experiences in specific state?

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I am looking to move to a new state.




  1. i like Atlanta, Georgia

    and anywhere in the Silicon Valley area in California

  2. california is the worst state to try and live in....the state legislature believes they have the right to govern every act or thought its citizens have...

  3. i absolutely hated california.  the people i met were not real, but very plastic, and totally the opposite of me when it comes to belief and priorities.

  4. Worst?  No place!  Every state has good and not-so-good areas, but your happiness will come from inside.  I live in California and have a second house in Pennsylvania and love both, but every state I have visited has some wonderful qualities.  Glass half full!

  5. Hated New Mexico-I felt that I was treated like a 2nd class person because I was not hispanic---EXCEPT in the Ruidosa area. Santa Fe was interested in one thing only, my money. Last time I went there I swore I would never stop in that town again. And I was just passing through.

    Loved Colorado-actually considering moving there in a couple of years. Louisiana was great-especially in the south. BUt it is something of a party town, if you can say that of a state. Lots of hunting and fishing, rich history, some of the best food in the world as far as I am concerned.

    Texas-If you want it, it has it. You just have ti find the right place. Also some of the most friendly people you will ever meet.

    Went to Ohio. met a lot of nice people and liked it overall.

    Chicago- hugh bunch of jerks-do not ever get lost in that town, I turned down a great job that would more than doubled my income because it required me to move there...enough said

    Good Luck

  6. kentucky was not so good when i was passing through.  we ate at a kfc there and it was appalling.  my brother-in-law actually worked at a kfc for 10 years and said this was the worst he has ever seen.  it was next door to kfc's main hdq.  we laughed the whole way home.

    after driving across iowa, it was as i imagined, full of corn.

    i like pittsburgh, durham, and costal downeast maine.  they all have a down home feel.  you are always close enough to nature, but close to culture in the city.

  7. Wyoming was cool but I could never live there. I'm too much of a city boy. I haven't found any bad ones, each state his good and bad areas. Look around, drive around and apply for jobs in growing areas. Raleigh/Durham NC isn't a terrible place for example.

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