
What Stratocaster pickups should I buy?

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I'm building a strat and need 3 pickups. Been looking at the Seymour Duncan SSL-4 or SSL-7 for the bridge and they have amazing reviews. I'm trying to get a similar sound to Stevie Ray Vaughan which is nice and warm and punchy, but also something really high gain like Yngwie Malmsteen tone with lots of sustain and warmth. The setup needs to have lots and lots of punch, warmth and high gain. I was recommended the SSL - 1 also but I'm unsure about that one.

So if anyone knows which 3 pickups would work really well?




  1. If you want the Stevie Ray Vaughan tone, go for the Fender 57/62 single coils. I have them in my 62 reissue Stratocaster. Amazing. and can nail Stevies tone.

    For the high gain Yngwie sound, just find the right pedal.

  2. I would get the Fender Texas Special set.  You get bite on the bridge and warmth if you use the neck p/u.  The Duncans sound thin to me.

  3. I've heard a lot of good things about the Fender Lace pickups.

    Me, I would probably try out the SHR-1 Hot Rails. Plenty of output, and no hum.

    Go to and check out the reviews page, people have reviewed many of these pickups... maybe that might help.


  4. I used in my build the lace sensor hot golds.Very warm Clapton sound with a hotter pickup at the bridge for more bite.

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