
What Stuff Do You Have To Pay Attention to While Driving?

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Next year I am going to be in Driver's Ed, can you tell me what things I have to pay attention too and some facts and tips, expirienced drivers.




  1. look around you you need to pay attention to everything. driving is a big responsibility

  2. you have to pay attention to the road (duh) and pedestrians, and speed limit signs, signs in general, NOT THE RADIO, OR YOUR BUDDY SITTING NEXT TO YOU, and most importantly you have to pay attention to stoplights.


                              DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE...DO NOT DRINK AT ALL

  3. its really simple all you have to do is just pay attention and good luckk!

  4. My cell phone, iPod, my kids, and my nagging wife.

  5. Just about everything and look at this site to help you.

  6. only 14... no driving here......

  7. pay attention to the road, other cars, and don't do multiple things at once like talk on a cellphone or something.

  8. One of the best observation-related driving tips is to look as far down the road as you can see. Many a time I've noticed people's brake lights coming on 2 miles down the highway and could anticipate the emergency stop to stop smoothly and safely.  As a complete beginner, looking far down the road also helps you drive straight/follow the road. It's the same as dancing, if yo look at your feet you're gonna trip. If you look 2 feet in front of your car, you're goint to be all over the road. Learning to see both potholes on the ground in front of you and action 2 miles down the highway takes practice, but it's like looking through the close stuff, at the far stuff.

    I also practice being aware what's around my car at all times.

    If someone told me to close my eyes and tell them what the cars around mine are, and how close they are. These days I can almost 'feel' people in my blind spot, because I've already observed them before they've moved into it, and anticipated.


  10. Everything related to the road!

    NOT the radio, cel phone, passengers, heat/AC, food, etc!

  11. You have to be aware of your surroundings at all times. You need to know what is in front of the vehicle, what is beside the vehicle and what is behind you.

    You want to constantly scan your mirrors, and keep your eyes moving.  Be aware of what is not only directly in front of you, but also what is up the road a bit. You need to watch for potential problems, such as cars entering the roadway and pedestrians ( especially children) who may dart out in front of you.

    The best thing for you to do right now is to try to pay attention to the roads when you are a passenger in a vehicle. It is harder than it looks, but you will do well as long as you are careful!

    Good Luck

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