
What Sun sign makes you feel like Walking on egg shells when your around them?

by  |  earlier

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or is it compatibility issues




  1. Gemini's cause they copy you, they steal your whole style then act like they came up with it themselves, maybe thats my cancer moon that likes to be recognized and if i'm not I become resentful towards you. Don't really get to many air sign friends they are too superficial for me. I seem to get Earth and Water, if any fire only leo's and Aries but they don't last to long with me they are too fast........ Thats funny cause I'm a Sag . It's probably my taurus ascendent/ Venus in Cusp Aqua/Capricorn. I do feel like I act like a  Venus capricorn...... Very Private and serious.

  2. i agree w/ guest4098

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