
What Surf Board should i get.?

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Im looking into geting a board i dont know what one to get, i do a bit skateing and snowboarding so ive got prity good balance, i dont want a big mal board but i know its harder to learn on a small board ive had a go on a 6 ft fish and nearly got up but its prity hard to paddle so im confussed to what i should get to learn on. Im 15 and way 56 kg and 5ft 9. pls help.




  1. Depending on height and your desired manuverability, a board that is 1 or 2 inches taller and about 15-18 inches wide in a short board which is the most popular of the boards because of its turning and control. If you are searching for a longer smoother board for smaller waves 7'6" and up in height is ideal. If you are beginning, a decent board should be about $250 for a short board or about $450 for a long board

  2. get a short board, they glide GREAT! thas wut i ride and i enter competitions too. im pretty good, and the board helps. i won last year in the San Diego LCA Surf Challenge Cup.

  3. Get yourself a used longboard, (at least 9'), they are super-easy to learn on.

    Once you can catch waves, stand up, turn and ride the shoulder then you can shop for a shorter board becasue you'll know what to look for and how it feels.

    Here's a great article for beginners that I always pass along:

    Good luck and have fun!

  4. Here's the thing. I always recommend someone start on a longer board because in the beginning its all about wave count. The more waves you can catch the faster you will learn.

    Now in your case having some "board" experience you could prob get away with something a little shorter. You said that you were on a 6ft fish but I would be curios how wide it was.

    Make sure that whatever board you get, to get something at least 21" wide. This will give you a good amount of float and and allow you to catch waves easier.

    After you have the feel down of catching waves and riding them you can much easier move down in size.

    As far as length goes - If I was to put ou on a board I would recommend a 7' - 7'6" to get started on but if you're not wanting to get something long go with 6'2" - 6'8". Just know that it will be harder to learn on. has some good choices in this range for a good price.


  5. get a fun shape 6'0, you will always ride it, thenyou can get a smaller one once you get it down have fun

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