
What TIME PERIOD would you want to go to and why? past, present or future -other?

by Guest61882  |  earlier

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What TIME PERIOD would you want to go to and why? past, present or future -other?




  1. 50's or 60's.

    because it just seems so fun and different than it is today...

  2. If I was able to travel time, I suppose that I would also be able to travel in space.

    # Place = Earth:

    I would definitely go in the future, when interstellar space travels are usual and intergalactic travels start. Let's say 2080.

    2010: exobiologists found out first specimens of extraterrestrial life.

    2014: first communication with an intelligent extraterrestrial life.

    2016: first encounter with them.

    2027: first travel to another close star (thanks to the alien knowledge).

    2070: first travel to another galaxy.

    There would be so many interesting discoveries about exotic worlds, beings: wonderful, exactly what I look for. In my view, Earth's history will become interesting once we get the first peaceful communication with an extra-terrestrial intelligent civilisation.

    I don't really like our history so far. I couldn't bear to go back in past - whenever. And I don't like the present time on Earth either.

    # Place = another planet:

    Past, present, future: well, it depends on the evolution level of the civilisation out there.

  3. Future, 2010 , I should be done with college by then and start working. :D Tired of the process of going through school.

  4. i would go forwards to next friday,so icould get my next wage its only monday and im broke..

  5. Not prior to the invention of decent contraceptives and tampons.

  6. I choose other. Our understanding of time is very limited (past, present, future) and it would be interesting to experience time as an aspect of another dimension(s) like no humans have done before. Do time dimensions only exist on lifeless microscopic scales or do parellels worlds with different choices and timelines exist?

  7. This is a good question. I would have to say the 1800's. I would of course have to be an explorer with the British Museum. It would also do well to have a nice chat with Nikola Tesla and get his secrets of wireless and free energy so as to make the world a peacefull, good place. Yes it would be grand to be the first person to see the south pole or Mt. Everest. But it's all just conjecture.

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