
What Tattoo should I get first?

by  |  earlier

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So I'm going to be getting my first tattoo soon and I have a few I know I want to get, I just don't know which one first. Fyi, I have a really low pain tolerance. However, I'm not looking for comments on the tats themselves, If they're stupid, or that I shouldn't get one. So none of that please.

This first one I want because of the story behind it. The story goes, Once all people were actually two people back to back. If they were two males they came from the sun. Two females came from the moon. And a male and a female came from the earth. One day the 3 Gods became jealous of the humans and struck them with lightning bolts, splitting them in half. Thus why we are alwys searching for our other half. I don't know where to get this one yet.

This second one I want because it's different and shows uniqueness. A giraffe in itself is odd but a flaming one is even odder. It's one part of one of Salvador Dali's art. This one will be on my side like in the pic.

I would get this one because music is a large part of my life. This last one I would get on the front of my hip.




  1. third one would hurt the least

    2nd hurts the worst

  2. you should get the third or second one ..i really like the one with the music theme ....good luck !!

  3. I'd get the third one done first as it's not huge and has no colour and is on your hip then the first then the second because of the detail. they're very interesting all of them and don't listen to anyone that says there horrible or puts them down!!! :)

  4. All tattoos hurt no matter the tattoo or where you put it.  It is a needle going in and out of your skin.  But in the end the pain is only temporary and the tattoo is forever.  I don't feel that you should ever get or not get a tattoo based on the pain.  The tattoo should be something that you want so bad that the pain does not matter.  Your going to live with that tattoo forever.  The pain will go away.  It is your body and your going to have to live with whatever you do to it, therefore your first tattoo should be which ever one you feel the strongest about. If  you leaving your choice up to strangers opinions, you don't want any of them bad enough and you should wait. Good Luck!

  5. either the second one or the third one.

  6. giraffe <33

  7. the last one for sure! it looks really nice. music plays a big role in life. we can't live without music. =]

  8. Get the one with the least amount of detailing first so that you can get the hang of it.

  9. i think the last one is a bit lame....sorry i know u didnt want that

    but i think the first one. coz it doesnt have much detail and has more meaning

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