
What Temperature should i keep my fish tank for guppys?

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I'm going to get some guppy's but i don't know what Temperature it should be.




  1. Mid 70's is best.  Warmer temps are better for fast growth...and shorter life.

    Cooler temps = slower growth but longer life.

    Suggestion:  Allow female to drop young in a 2-5 gallon tank with heater set for temp of around 80 degrees.  After a couple months, lower temp to mid 70's.

  2. between 78-82 keep a thermometer in the tank to check it and make sure its right it can differ a few degrees but try not to have it go from 78 to 82 in like 10 minutes or it will shock your fish.

  3. Guppies are very flexible with temperatures. You can go anywhere from 64-82 degrees. 64 is a bit too cold, but they CAN live in it. A good middle in that range would be good, somewhere in the mid 70's. Breeding tanks are always kept at 82 degrees by the way.

    Good luck :)


  4. It should be 72°- 82°. And u should also add a little salt to the aquarium too. A heater would b a good idea. With guppies you can get quite a lot of them so you can decide how many you want but make sure to find an  employee that knows a lot about the fish and ask them how many u can buy before u go on a shopping spree of guppies.

  5. they are tropical fish so it needs to be around 80 degrees

  6. 24c

  7. Around 25C(77F) is ideal, they can survive a pretty wide range, 20-30 C, but either extreme is a bit stressfull for them.

    Aim for 25C, but anything close to that is fine. (22-28C)


  8. 78 degrees unless u have babies, then 82 degrees

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