
What! The SNP want independence and to keep the monarchy! Clarification requested!?

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  1. I refer you to my other answer that I gave you:

    Looking at it from the SNP's point of view, under their White Paper: "Choosing Scotland's Future: A National Conversation: Independence and Responsibility in the Modern World" under section 3: "An independent Scotland" under sub section 3.4 "I[n terms of the fundamental Acts underpinning the Union, the Union of 1801 with Ireland has already undergone substantial revision. The Act of Union of 1707 is the focus of debate for further change or indeed repeal;] however, the Union of the Crowns of 1603 would continue even after repeal of the 1707 Act."  (link in sources)

    So, the SNP as a party, on the whole, are in favor of sustaining the Monarch, indeed in public, at this stage.  However, it must be added there are those within the SNP that believe in a Republic.  I myself have not been fully convinced with either side of the argument as of yet, so i sit on the fence...

    However, I do believe it is the SNP's preference to have a further referendum on the issue of the Act Of Crowns 1603.

  2. Its worked OK for Australia and Canada.

  3. yes!they want to move them into Balmoral

  4. They want the best of both worlds!To stay in the Commonwealth!I can live with that!But I disagree if English taxpayers money and favourable shipbuilding contracts are handed out to them if they obtain Independence!No English taxpayers money to Scotland if granted Independence!Not Dependence!

  5. i will take that if it is the only way to have an independent england

  6. The next question should be how can they have a monarchy, as I'm sure Queen Elizabeth II would rather remain Queen of England and Wales, who would "succeed" her as it were and become monarch? Would they jsut appoint one at randon, or would they try and "trace" a monarch through bloodlines?

    I wouldn't be supprised if the SNP wanted to appoint that smarmy, frog look-a-like Salmond as King, his Messiah-like arrogance is that on par of Tony Blair.

    Basically the SNP would be screwd, typical hypocrisy and arrogance of the SNP, but what do we expect on a party modeled on New Labour.

  7. The last time I heard, the SNP were being cautious into going with a referendum on independence. They are holding it in 2011, even after Wendy Alexander tried to push them towards holding it now.

  8. aye..King Alex Salmond

  9. Why can't Scotland have their own monarchy, like in the old days?

  10. Seems to have worked for Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Kitts and Nevis.

  11. Urm......well, I think you'll find that there are many countries around the world that have both independance and the monarchy e.g. Canada, New Zealand etc.

  12. The SNP won't get independence, but they will get to keep the monarchy.

    1 out of 2 isn't bad.

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