
What Time Do You Put Kids to Bed --?

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Say like a 9 year old and a 4 year old on the WeekEnd?





  1. I think they should have a routine regardless of the day of the week. I think 8 o clock is reasonable for both ages. That is what time I use for my 4,2, and 4 month old.

  2. my kiddies are in bed 7 oclock every day of the week as i have got them into a routen of bed i think thats fine for the 4 year old but half eight on weekends for the older one

  3. mine are 7 and 4 and its 9 on the weekends 830 weekdays we wake up early!

  4. Around 9:30-10:00! As long as they're laying down, they should be okay.

  5. my two year old goes to bed at 9. If I put him any earlier he cries for a while. That seems to be the time that he is tired

  6. If there regular bedtime is 8 then 9 or 10 is OK for the weekends so that you could do at least one or 2 late activities a week. Remember to allow some time for a nap the morning after if they don't sleep in late especially for the 4yr old at least 30 min to one hour.

  7. I'm not sure about a 9 year old.  We put our 3 1/2 year old to bed at 8:30 during the week but on the weekends he's allowed to stay up late (usually asleep by 10 and sleeps later in the morning- 8 or 9AM, instead of 6:30).

  8. I have a set routine my girls are in there room at 7pm and watch TV for an hour or so then at 8 /8:30 they fall a sleep

  9. Between 9 and 10 seems okay. I have a 7,5, 2 year old and that's when they typically lay down.

  10. My son is 4 and my daughter is 2 and my kids are put to bed around 8-8:30ish depends on what is going on...if we are out at a family function or go to the movies or something like that then they may go to bed a little later but we try to keep the schedule as much as possible...even on wekends...and their nap time is 12-2pm everyday and again that depends on if we are out and about but If I have to run errands I try to go early to be back by noon or leave after 2..

  11. As a child when I was about 9years old I would always be put to bed at the same time as my younger brother who was 7years younger than me. Bathtime would usually be after tea, about 6pm. Most nights we would be in our pyjamas and put down to sleep in bed by about  6-30pm.

  12. 9 yr old on the weekend 830 pm 4yr old 7-730pm

  13. around 9:00 o'clock at night

  14. when my son started pre-school (he was 3 yrs old yes 3!)


    he was fed, bathed, and changed by 8:30pm in bed by 9pm

    lights off, tv off by 8:45pm, we say our good nights hugs and kisses and then in bed

    (i had to set this time schedule cause my husband he just let him stay up all night also it helped cause my husband started going to bed early too)

    he was awake by 7am

    weekends we let him stay up a bit later

    we let him stay up to 11pm but by 10pm he was already dozing off and he fall asleep

    it all depends on what time yall eat supper, they bath and dress to go to bed

    also you have to enforce the times

    cause sometimes they wont stick to them

  15. it really varies. i have early risers, so i don't push the bedtime as much. my kids wake up at 7 or 8 am. (i home school so there is no rush to get to the bus or class). in order that my kids get atleast 9 hrs. of sleep they can stay up till 9 pm. or 10pm.

    however because i babysit now  and have to be up at 5am, i now have them in bed by 9pm and it has been great. they get up at 7 or 8am still.

    on the weekend we've been known to stay up till 11pm watching cartoon network.

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