
What Time is ball up for the Grand Final?

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Trying to determine what time is ball up on the 2007 AFL Grand Final




  1. It will be at or about 2:30 p.m. Melbourne time on Saturday, Sept. 29. That will be 11:30 p.m. Friday USA Central time, or 12:30 a.m. Saturday, USA Eastern time.

  2. It's usually about 2:30 after all the preview activities they have

  3. It's usually 2.30 pm aest.

    2.00 for us just west of the border.

  4. As the answerers above have already said about 2.30.  I would start watching from at least 2.15.  Below is a link so that you can convert your local time to the time in Melbourne, Victoria (where the game is held).

    You'll need to use the drop down box and change it to your location.

    Enjoy the game!

  5. Around 2:30 P.M

    ( Eastern Australian Standard Time ) E.A.S.T

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