
What To Do About OCD?

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Hi, i'm 17 and have ocd.

My family don't know and neither do my friends, its just me.

What can i do to kind of 'cure' myself of it, it practically rules my life in everything i do.

Is there anything i can do myself to stop it?






  1. Yes, there may be relief for you. The program offered by the Mid-West

    Center for Attacking Anxiety and Depression has worked for many people. Psycho-Education is what they offer. You are probably suffering because of the way you have been conditioned to think.

    OCD can work for you if you find something to do with the energy. Writing...research..whatever turns you on. Get your mind into something constructive and off your self.

  2. I have ocd, and understand what your saying, and the age your at, i remember myself, i was so secretive, it ruined the what was meant to be the best part of my life.........the main reason was cause i was alone with it, as ocd is a secretive illness, and teenagers no offence are pretty secretive anyways.

    i wouldn't advise telling your friends just yet as you are 17, Friends change often, and at that age, the chances of them understanding are very minimal, and could hold alot of stigma, so my advice would be, and something i wished i done a long time ago, was speak to the gp, and arrange some form or counselling, even once a fortnight/month, lots of gp's provide this service.

    it can also be misunderstood by parents, if they are the wiser and caring type find comfort in the closest one to you, and say things are bothering you, and you need help, a kind caring understanding relative will be able to let you confide.

    my top advice to you though,at the moment, is don't be alone with this...

    i did for nearly 15 years, and it pretty much ruined my life.....

    when i did seek help, i found support and counselling in time, to be a great asset, and i am on a med which calms ocd thoughts, it not noticeable to slightly irritating at best, so seek help, don't be alone, you have nothing to be ashamed off

  3. If thats the case I don't see why your family hasn't figured it out yet!!

    But my cousin has ocd he's only 10 and he has to see a person for it once a week and he seems to be getting better!!!  

  4. as far as I know there is no cure for OCD.

    Talk to your doctor as to what possible treatments or therapies you could use, perhaps hypnotherapy or something might help a little.

    But the best advice I can give you is TELL YOUR FAMILY. Honestly, this will make you feel so much better, just because they can support you and help you deal with this.

  5. tell your family! they will understand and help you.

  6. are you sure, if you have'nt sought help you don't know for sure...i have an obsession, every time i see a car reg no, i always add up the numbers in my head to find the total, done it all my life..i think lots of people have similar obsessions...<^><...

  7. To get  rid of OCD, you need some prescription medicine, a lot of perseverance, and help. (confidence boosters, etc) But you need to work hard and try to control it. My brother used to have OCD, but now he's cured. About 1/3 of the victims do cure themselves of it. So don't give up hope!

  8. Everyone can be like this, i'm like this sometimes over silly things!

    Have a look at these:

    Go to your doctor and talk to them about it.

  9. There are medications, but all of them are prescription. You would have to see a psychiatrist about it.

  10. Hey shrinking violet,

    OCD is really common and can be treated / kept under control quite well. I do psychology and I'm no expert yet but I do know a lot about this stuff. What you should do is tell your family first at least. Even if it's very difficult for you, in the long run it will be relief. Otherwise are you planning to hide this forever from them? It's a burden, tell them. And go to a Dr who will refer you to a psychologist that can treat you for this. If your  experiencing a lot of anxiety you may need medication, otherwise there are lots of strategies that you can learn to minimise and treat your OCD. You REALLY need to see a psychologist. This is what they are for. If you ever want to talk about this just email me. :]
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