
What To Do? Suggestions PPL?

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Hmm The existential thoughts of our lives, make us so confused. Well anywho, I am a guy, 19 and recently came out as bi sexual, about 5 months ago. I always seemed to have feelings for the same s*x, and more powerful than for the opposite. I only really done something once with a guy, it was at a party, we were both sober, omg yes sober! and well we ended up fooling around... :D but yeah. I dont think I once thought of a girl in a sexual way, but I have thought about dating girls, and wondering what it will be like, if it will work, ect. On the other side, I think about guys in a manner like this, "I cant date him people will know, that would be cool, hes hott, I wonder what its like teehee." Yeah well, my predicament is the fact that one of my best girlfriends, likes me, I know she wants a relationship, but I am unsure if I should even try to date a girl. Well I have thought about dating her, because I know that we click soo well. When we first met it was instantaneous, that the first thing I thought was d**n, this girl is awesome, maybe I should go out with her. Well that never happened, because for some reason I have to real drive or reason to continue. On the same token, I kinda want to find a guy, yet I dont think I would be ready to have an open relationship with him off the bat, you know. So I have talked to her about what I am thinking, because I am think I should go out with her, yet I dont want to at the same time. Its all so confusing, and it doesnt help that this is such a closeted community, and not many good looking people here. At a certain point I feel as if I need to choose a side. Gah, I know I know. Well. Furthermore, I would grade myself a 4 our of 0-6, 0=Hetero, 3=bisexual, 6=homosexual. Basically the Kinsey scale rating, but this was my personal rate for my sexuality, before I took the Kinsey test. So what should I do, date her, not date her and try to find a guy?




  1. I think you should date her and see how it works out.  If it doesn't, then you could find someone else.  You could maybe call that guy up from the party. ;)  If it does, well good for you!

  2. If she's aware of the fact that you are interested in men too and is still open to the idea of dating you, well, give it a shot. If she is really wanting a relationship and you don't think you can give her that much you need to tell her that you can't be the boyfriend she wants. Sounds like you are more attracted to men and she would just be an experience. Yes, you need experiences, but not at the cost of a friendship. Good luck with whatever you decide.  

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