
What To Do To Get A Little Taller?

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I'm not really short, just want to be a little taller, like what kind of fruits to eat or anything else.




  1. i believe all fruits and veggies help you grow.. just eat every kind you can think of. just wait some 5 years and youll get tall lol

  2. p**p on a biscuit

  3. now that's what I want to know

  4. do yoga

  5. Drink milk and eat beef.

    And have s*x with lots of women.


  6. LOL theres nothing...u have to wait and grow unless ur done growing..ur done

  7. There's a list of stretches you can do (google height stretches etc.), swimming helps, and lots and lots of calcium and vitamins that absorb a food rich in vitamin C, such as an orange. This helps with the absorption of calcium. Eat foods high in the amino acid lysine, which is needed for calcium absorption. These include eggs, fish, lima beans and soy products. Take a sunbath without sunscreen for 15 minutes, three times a week. Sunshine is the easiest way to get vitamin D, which is essential for proper absorption of calcium. Stay out of the sun when the rays are strongest, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

  8. get lots of rest! u grow when u sleep.  

  9. sleeping actually helps. and vegetables. real talk

  10. eat your green veggies and meats!

    lots and lots of meats and green veggies!

    you'll be tall very tall

    i guess

  11. He he lol put your self in the taffy puller

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