
What To Do With It - Serious Q, please take a look people.?

by  |  earlier

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For anyone who's already replied to other questions about my situation, I'm sorry I keep posting up here but everyone in my town knows my family so going to anyone (other than close friends, like, two of em) is impossible.

On my last message I wrote that my sister and ex boyfriend slept together and I (accidently) walked in on them. I'm a deep sleeper when I eventually do sleep and actually managed to get an hour's worth of sleep last night, though I think it was due to pure exhaustion. When I woke there was a mini cassette tape (like the ones you put in digital recorders) on my bedside table. I thought maybe it was from my flatmate - he plays in a band and they'd wanted me to listen to some music they'd recorded from some stuff I wrote - anyway.

Put the tape into a video tape extender thing (cant rmember the term) and it was of my ex and sis last night.

I don't know what to do with it. I wont watch it again, I dont want to show it to anyone coz the thought makes me feel sick, and I know I can't just throw it away. Anyone, any suggestions? Please?

Once again sorry for all this but things are more than f**ked up.




  1. just destroy the thing and forget about it. you'll feel better for it.

  2. give the tape to your sister  

  3. who put the tape there in the first place?

    and what sort of a sister is that?

  4. trash it

  5. Talk to either one of them about it, whoever you'd feel more comfortable talking to...

  6. The best thing to do is destroy the tape. you don't want it to fall in the wrong hands. Burn it! it might even make you feel a tad bit better. And your ex is definitely not g*y unless he was just using your sister for an experiment hes probably bi. but for your own good you shouldn't go back to him. he could just hurt you all over again and worst.

    hope everything works out ok

    ~Sherry Baby~

  7. Personally i'd get even with both of them and post the video into like one of them porno websites or something, hahaha

    I mean, why are they being so heartless? It's one thing to do it but another to tape it and show it to you.  

  8. Throw it away!  It's not a hundred dollar bill!  And move on!!!

    You can't control what others do.  When you get hurt in life by others, there is nothing you can do except forgive and move on.

  9. You might want to think about moving out if that is possible. Destroy the tape you are never going to watch it  again and I don't think anyone else would want to watch it would they? You have been treated very badly but you have nothing to reproach yourself for. remember that and hold your head up. Good luck.

  10. confront your sister in a private environment and ask her what her intentions were for doing that then let her know how you feel about the situation. the worst thing you can do is bottle it up and dwell on it. find some good company and move on. good luck!

  11. Revenge is sweet, publicly humiliate them and make sure everyone knows what careless heartless people they are and move on. I suggest you take time away from everyone and just go somewhere maybe a vacation for a few days even, to relax and get your head straight, before you end up in a total mess you can't control.

    You're not to blame in this, they are.

  12. Keep it in a safe deposit box. You never know when it might come in handy.

    I do not advocate revenge, but I do advocate self-protection. These people are seriously warped and you never know when the tape might be a useful piece of ammo for you to use should they attempt to mess with you again. Hang on to it.

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