
What To Expect When Expecting?

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Just curious, anyone else love the book or what?




  1. My step-mom and aunt LOVE that book. They refer to it all the time!

  2. I didn't like it much. The book that I love and read all the time is Your Pregnancy: Week by Week. I find it more helpful.

  3. Its a good reference but it has  A LOT of ridiculous things in it . Its better to ask your Dr. questions instead of going by that book .

  4. Never cared much for it.  Tends to offer lots of 'worse case' scenarios, and the dietary advice is ludicrous.

  5. No, I don't really care for it.  

  6. yup, has all the answers to my questions.

  7. I love it! Its my Bible. I also have What to Expect the First Year. They are so helpful!

  8. I have bought many copies! (Including two for myself---I had given my first copy away!)

    I give "What to Expect The First Year" as baby shower gifts. I think these books save you many calls to the doctor, and would also answer many of the questions I see here on Yahoo Answers!

    Love the books!

  9. I love the book!it answers alot of my questions and gives me a great heads up on what to well....expect, if the book doesn't have my answer I get on here and ask it and if it's real important I call my doctor so it's pretty much my field guide to pregnancy!

  10. I liked it until i started reading the parts about what all bad can happen during preg. wow that made me very scared with my first preg then i didnt read it with my second or third cuz i didnt want to read them parts over again lol

  11. Yes I love it. I thought I wouldn't need it after having my first child, but now being pregnant with my second, I refer back to it all the time. It's wonderful! What to expect the first year, and the toddler years... are also good. :)

  12. i didn t read that one , but i love the  your pregnancy week by week book by glade curtis

  13. not really. i guess it was an okay comprehensive guide but i have read a lot of pregnancy books and it's definitely not one i would go to for any reference information i needed. but everybody has different preferences about what works for them. it isn't one of the pregnancy books that i suggest to friends.

  14. I haven't read it because I was told by my circle of advisors (aka my big sister and other sources from when she was pregnant) that it's not really good for some reason I don't remember. I have the Your Pregnancy: week by week book as well but I can't say I really like it... I check it along with about 3 different websites every week and they all have slightly varied information and some of the stuff in it I know is wrong, but maybe I have an old version. I pretty much just had the Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy at first and I like that book a lot but it's not the most medical. My doc gave me a copy of "Your Pregnancy and Birth" which covers all the medical stuff and tons of helpful stuff for after the baby is born, so I'd have to say that and the Girlfriend's Guide are my faves.

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