
What Turns you off in a man? (girls only please)

by  |  earlier

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What turns you off in a man? Here's an example of what turns me waaaaaaaaaaayyyyy off:


2)Body Piercings


4)Hairy Chest


6) Doesn't like/hates kids or animals

It doesn't matter if you tottaly disagree with my statement, I just want a reason why, best description wins!




  1. 1)Smoking

    2)If he likes drugs

    3)Hairy Chest

    4)Bossy and overconfident

  2. A man with low-morale / confidence level, boastful personalities, smokes, alcoholic, gambler and vulgar turns me off, laziness, loud, gangsta-kinda... As long as it's bad influence to people around... ya!

    I guess it's because I am the kind of lady who will want to be in a secure, commited relationship. Meaning, who knows that one day he'll probably be my hubby and might start a family. I do not want all these bad influences to pass to my kids - our world's future leaders (are our kids). :)

    And of course, maybe because of my upbring in my family, that is why it turns me off. A man can be ugly, fat or whatever... That's still okay, acceptable. But if you would to go out with a man who has no moral, no confidence, I'll feel insecure whenever I'm with him, so it makes my life so down.

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