
What US government agency is responsible for the investigation of paranormal phenomena?

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That about says it...




  1. Psychology and psychiatry departments do the most work in these areas.

  2. None.  The working assumption, which has yet to be successfully challenged,  is that any threat to the welfare of the populace has a rational explanation.  Thus all agencies work on that basis, and always have.  Western governments do not employ psychics or astrologers, which is what makes us western.

  3. There is no agency in the U.S. Government (that is publicly acknowledged) for investigating or researching paranormal phenomena.

    The Department of Defense and the CIA both sponsored and conducted research into Remote Viewing for intelligence gathering purposes. (link below)

    The United States Air Force publicly investigated UFOs (in an exceptionally poor manner) with Project BlueBook. However, the purpose was not investigate UFOs origins are provide an explanation but to determine if UFOs posed a threat to the security of the United States. (link below)

    The more you know....


  4. The men in black.

  5. There is a link called UFO Disclosure that someone has posted on here several times. Maybe those people are doing their own investigations..maybe as a group. It's probably not being paid for by the government..even though I think they are government employees.The government is so secretive about would we know if there is an agency for this..or not? If there is..and anyone tried to tell what they had discovered..and tried to tell..who would believe them? Like the guy on that question of John S.'s...(if he's real)...they'd think they were crazy and laugh at them.

  6. as far I know, there is not an agency.  (at least not one that they will admit to)  But there is documentation that the military conducted experiments with remote viewing...

  7. No one is responsible but if there is something paranormal going on any government agency might investigate if it effect something in their jurisdiction.  The air force has investigated UFOs and apparently the CIA has experimented with remote viewers.

  8. There is no Government agency for the paranormal.For a very good reason.There's no such thing.If people want to investigate ghosts on there own fine.Let's not waste tax dollars on it.On the state and local levels the various law enforcement agents will investigate.Mostly arresting the many con-men and frauds that prey on the naive and gullible.

  9. Paranormal Regulatory Agency

  10. Which ever department sets up the taxes.........

    Because I keep seeing more and more of my money disappearing into thin air, and the politicians keep gaining more and more weight..............

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