
What VOIP/SIP provider can provide me with a local number in Taiwan ?, so my friends can call me at local rate

by Guest34451  |  earlier

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I don't want a number in China or from any other pacific country in that area, only a number from Taiwan please.




  1. Keep an eye on MediaRing Talk...

    They currently have Free 10 minute calls to Taiwan for PC-Phone calling with their PC Soft-phone.

    Standard rates to Taiwan range from 2 - 10 cents/min, depending on area.

    But, keep an eye one them, because they are planning on implementing "Call-IN" phone numbers in near future.  As Taiwan is one of the countries they are offering free calls to now, I expect they may offer Call-In numbers there when it is put into place (they call it "Phone-to-PC-Calling").....

    Also, if they have access to a PC, they may be able to call you for free using the new "EarthCaller" web calling service.

    All calls to USA/Canada are free using PC-Phone web calling (free while in Beta development phase)

    (headset with microphone required, or PC mic and speakers)

  2. just use skype

  3. Maybe u should try out the Cordia VOIP Magellan plan at . Cordia VOIP Magellan plan enable callers to dial the Magellan number that they provided to u and reach u on the landline or mobile phone wherever you are in the world with their local rates.

    Or u can try out Cordia VOIP other plans at  

    They are running a promotion right now where u can enjoy the first month free for all Cordia VOIP plans. The promotion code is AGLEEX182X.

    Good luck.

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