
What Verizon Wireless Phone Should i Get?

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should i get the LG Dare?

i dont need the blackbery.

i probably wont get internet on it.

is it a complicated phone?

i kindof want a simple phone all i need is texting.

i like the LG VX9400

but i heard they stopped selling that.

i also think the Blackberry Pearl is really pretty.

but it seems to confusing.

i am able to get my phone updated so i can get anything from Verizon Wireless.

any advice would be great,, thanks!




  1. Yooooooooooooo,

    if u want to get a really good phone from verizon, get the blackberry 8830 world edition ! it's really a good phone, or the 8320 it's also good and has Wi-Fi, not sure if the 8830 has Wi-Fi ask them, if it does get it !

    Good luck.

    * you can get internet through Wi-Fi for free if u'r in the right spot !!! No it's not complicated, u just need to get use to it thats about it !

  2. The LG VX9400 (if you can find it, I'm not sure if they are still on the market) would be better for texting. My friend has it and she texts more than she breathes :)

    I don't know about the LG Dare, though, I don't know anyone who has it.

    Do NOT get the Blackberry Pearl. My aunt got one for business, and the keys are waaaay to tiny.


    Another good phone for texting is the LG Chocolate.

    Once again, my friend has it and she texts A LOT!!

  3. i just got the lg env 2 and i realllly like it. i had a two year upgrade. it cost me $109, and i got a $50 mail-in-rebate, but i had an $100 credit on my account also, so i dont know how much it will run you.

    texting is a lot easier with a full keyboard. the keys are kind of small, but i think you'll be able to manage. i have medium sized hands i guess, for a girl, and i text on it very easily. the outside screen is small, but if you're mainly a texter, it wont matter. you can also text on the front, but i dont know why you would if you have a full keyboard.

  4. If you really want to get the VX9400 than get it. They still sell it so don't worry, though you can also get the Env2 or the Glyde for the same price and the Voyager for 20.00 more. Here are the specs on the phone

    Here are some other good phones.

    The Lg Voyager is only 20.00 more and is a great phone. It has all the features that verizon can offer and a touchscreen with a full qwerty keyboard for real easy texting. I might get this phone here is all the specs for it.

    Another two are the Samsung Glyde and the Env2. You probably already heard a lot about the Env2 but ill still explain it. It kind of looks like a funky caculater which to me isn't that bad. Then when you turn the phone sideways and flip it up is a nice and big keyboard.It's perfect for texting. Again if you want the big specs heres the link

    The Samsung Glyde is a phone that has an ok Touch Screen that works most of the time and slide up "Glyde as in the name" keyboard.It has all the Verizon features except mobile tv which you might be wanting since your looking at the VX9400. It's a great phone for a great price heres  the link for all the specs

    The last two phones that I'm going to recomend are the LG Dare and the LG Chocolate 3.

    The Lg Dare is an amazing phone some people even say the best phone on verizon right know. It has a great touchscreen and a virtual keyboard for texting on. The virtual keyboard will need some time to get used but once you are you can text just as fast with a real qwerty. Its the best camera phone our right know with many firsts in the U.S like the Slo-mo. I deffinatly think you should look into this phone heres the link

    The LG Chocolate 3 is also another really nice phone. On the front screen it has the iPod wheel thing and when you flip it up it has a really nice dialing pad ok for texting on. It has all the verizon stuff plus a 2.0 megapixcwel camera Another cool phone here's the link

    The Blackberry phone's are mainly for internet browsing and emials for buisness. I don't think you should get this phone if your looking for a simple regular phone for texting. The keys are a little hard for texting but you could get used to it and the phone does have a camera but It's mostly for buisness. If you really want this phone then get it but your going to have to pay the extra 30.00 blackberry thing though if your not on a buisness plan.

    Hoped my answer helped Good luck choosing.

  5. get the one that you like

  6. If you want a simple phone that's good for texting, maybe get the new enV 2. Especially since it's only $79.99 after rebate.

    I had the Chocolate 3 for 2 weeks and LOVED it, too.

  7. ok that lg thinkg is ad, its ugly , cheap , bad camera. dont get it. get the lg env2 in maroon its a good phone and i have the env and love it so yeah its simple and awsome woth a AWSOME camera, it has a good keyboard it has aim and everyhitng i want it. to  

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