
What Vitamins & Minerals do you lose when you don't eat Meat?

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Besides Proteins and Iron?

Just wondering




  1. b-vitamins, and amino acids arganine and lysine- important for muscle building.

  2. The only thing that may be missing is B12 bu even that is questionable.

    Where did you hear that protein and iron are only found in meat? Do you have any idea how silly that sounds?

  3. Besides protein and iron?  A healthy vegetarian diet contains plenty of protein and iron.  You can get everything you need from a vegetarian diet.

  4. antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides, heavy metal contamination, unknown diseases and cancers, mad cow disease that has not presented itself,and whatever contamination occurs during the transport and slaughter of the creature and processing mishaps of E coli, etc.

  5. You lose passion, babe!!  You lose passion!!!

  6. None.  You just replace them with vitamins and minerals from non-animal alternatives.  I gained more than I lost when it came to my health.  I have never been healthier or happier.  Some people think and say differently, but they are mostly uneducated or opposed to vegetarianism.

  7. None.

    And protein and iron are easily obtained from a vegetarian diet.

    Protein deficiency is all but unheard of, outside of famine conditions.  Since what the body actually needs are amino acids (the building blocks of protein) and all natural foods contain some amino acids, it isn't a big deal.  If you get enough calories, you get enough protein.

    Many plant foods (beans, peas, lentils) have more iron than most animal foods- unless you eat a lot of beef liver.   Tofu has more iron than steak, and pinto beans have more iron than poultry.

    In reply to a previous answer- Lysine is not found in animal foods, but in spinach, lentils and beans.  And ARGININE (the actual spelling) is produced by the body, so there is no need to consume it.  However, it is found in wheat germ and flour, buckwheat, granola, oatmeal, all nuts, chick peas, and soybeans.

  8. Cholesterol.

    Unfortunately, this puts you at risk of NOT having a heart attack.

  9. Actually, scientist are now saying that you don't loose any thing really important. If you eat the right amount of food, and have eat healithly, then you don't loose anything. Meat actually contains MORE stuff than we need, but if you are worried about loosing protien, just drink fortified soy milk and take B-complex (it helps with energy).

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