
What WOULD you do with the Stanley Cup if you had it for one day?

by Guest60047  |  earlier

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What WOULD you do with the Stanley Cup if you had it for one day?




  1. Eat a bowl of Froot Loops.

    Wear it on my head. (think Carmen Miranda)

    Use it as a laptop stand.

    Tie my monkey to it as I play the accordian for tips on Broad Street.

    Put it on my passenger seat. When the officer pulls me over I'll say " Heyyyy oshiffer, hic, this is my cousin Shtanley. He likes the seatbelt law."

  2. 2 words: GIANT. SANGRIA.

  3. -Engrave my name into it

    -Put it on my head and run through the streets

    -Take a shower with it

    -Drink soda out of it

    -Host a tournament for the cup temporarily

    -Have a public party for everybody else to come in the area

  4. I'd etch the word "sucks" behind Colorado Avalanche Claude Lemiuex.

  5. Show up  to Iginla's door.

  6. Ok i'd bring it to downtown and put it in an area that nobody can get in unless they have the KEY! and I'll let them go in if they pay 5 bucks! then I'd be rich! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...

    sorry i drank 9 Dr. Pepper's today.

  7. I have tossed this around in my head for years.  Part of it changes, most of it stays pretty consistent.

    1) I would quietly take it and go visit the grave of a former teammate who was killed in a car accident.

    2) A trip to my high school (where I played and coached) during school hours.  If I am taking it to the school, I intend to be a disruption.

    3) Back to my parent's house where I would throw a big party so all of my friends would get a chance to see it, photograph it etc.

    4) I would call the guys I grew up playing with, head over to the rink we grew up in at around midnight with a keg of LaBatt's and play like we did when we were teenagers, this time for the real cup instead of pretending like we did back then.

    5) Back home where my wife and I enjoy some alone time, just the three of us.

  8. Take it to Cleveland, Ohio! This town has not had anything good happen to it in years.

  9. Bring it to my Dad and teacher who both told me I'd never go anywhere or accomplish anything with hockey. So what if I didn't win it, I HAVE it.

  10. 1. Make Earl Grey tea with honey in it.

    2. Sleep with it.

    3. Take it to Channelside in Tampa and sit on top of my boyfriend's Camaro with it and have my own d**n parade.

  11. Children's Hospital.

  12. Eat my oatmeal in it, drink a milk from it.

    I'd sell pictures of it too to make some cash.

    I might carve something on the bottom.

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