
What Was Adolf Hitler's Real Fate?

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Despite the historical consensus that Hitler killed himself at the end of World War II there still linger unanswered questions. The biggest question still is: Did he really commit suicide?

Other important questions begging for answers are:

If Hitler shot himself in the right temple (as is claimed), why then do the Russians exhibit, what is supposed to be Hitler's cranium, showing a bullet hole in the back of his head?

Why did the Russians refuse to allow the Western Allies to see Hitler's presumed autopsy report?

For what reason did three German submarines land off the coast of southern Argentina more than two months after the end of World War II in Europe?

What was the reason for the disagreement between the Russian Military Intelligence (SMERSH) and the Russian Secret state Police (NKVD) regarding Hitler?

For what reason did Hitler's plane land in Barcelona, Spain on April 27th, 1945, three days before the alleged suicide?

Why did Stalin tell the Western Leaders that Hitler escaped from Berlin?

Why were there no burned wood planks on the spot where Hitler and Eva Braun were supposedly be cremated?




  1. only logical answer: omg he's STILL ALIVE

  2. Dunno.  Why don't you spare us the rhetorical questions and tell us how you think Hitler managed to escape from Berlin when it was encircled by the glorious Red Army?

  3. Although now 106, he does a bit of gardening for me now & then.

    Eva sits in the shed, nibbling on knockwurst.

    He keeps muttering "sorry about that business"

  4. He was seen selling hamburgers with Elvis in Baton Rouge in the 80's. Eva was working the till.

    Can you give your sources for all those events?

  5. If Hitler shot himself in the right temple (as is claimed), why then do the Russians exhibit, what is supposed to be Hitler's cranium, showing a bullet hole in the back of his head?

    ---Its obviously a fake. The Russians are a bunch of a**eholes who just want to make out that they killed him. They didn't. He committed suicide and was then burned by fellow leading n***s. The Russians just want to show off. Everyone knows they are liars. They say the didn't kill Alexander Litvenyenko, but everyone knows they did.

    Why did the Russians refuse to allow the Western Allies to see Hitler's presumed autopsy report?

    ---See previous question. They are lying obviously about having his autopsy report. They lie about everything.

    For what reason did three German submarines land off the coast of southern Argentina more than two months after the end of World War II in Europe?

    ---Trade? Leading n***s would have known about him going to Argentina. Otto whatshisface told everything shortly after Hitlers down fall, as did many others. There was also evidence of is cremated body found where he was cremated (a chip of his skull and his jaw) His jaw matched his dental records and was exactly the same as his x-rays.

    The fragments were bone, and all Hitlers records were private, so a copy could not have been accessed. Even if it had been accessed (his dental record), In the time it took to find the fragments, an exact copy could not of been made [of his jaw].

    What was the reason for the disagreement between the Russian Military Intelligence (SMERSH) and the Russian Secret state Police (NKVD) regarding Hitler?

    ---Who cares about the Russians? They are all a bunch of liars. Just ignore them.

    For what reason did Hitler's plane land in Barcelona, Spain on April 27th, 1945, three days before the alleged suicide?

    ---Because the Spaniards claimed it, since them and Hitler were friends. He wanted them to have it before he died.

    Why did Stalin tell the Western Leaders that Hitler escaped from Berlin?

    ---Ignore him. He is a communist. The Russians are lying scumbags anyway.

    Why were there no burned wood planks on the spot where Hitler and Eva Braun were supposedly be cremated?

    ---They were not put in coffins. Hitler was to be burned as he was. It would of taken too long for a coffin to be made. He was adamant that he be buried ASAP. He did not want his corpse to be paraded and mocked, like Mussolini’s, so he was burned almost immediately after his death. (Hitlers dog, Blondie was also cremated too)

    The reason he killed himself is for the same reason. He did not want the fate of Mussolini to be his too. Mussolini was captured and paraded around and was mocked and tortured before being executed publicly, then his corpse was publicly humiliated. Hitler did not want this, so he made sure he was in ashes before they reached him.

  6. Why has there got to be a conspiracy theory about EVERYTHING!?

    He's dead.  That'll do for me.

  7. Hitler is still alive and kicking in remote part of Israel.  Mossad, the Israeli Secret Service is protecting him because they think they can learn a thing or two from him to deal with the palestinians.


  8. The answer is yes and here are some responses to your questions about it.

    First of all, Hitler had advanced Parkinsons disease and could barely move one of his hands without shaking.  The odds of him biting into a cyanide capsule and shooting himself in the head to provide a perfect exit wound are slim.  He deviated when fired and that exit wound is the result.

    Next, the Russians would not give anything to the Allies at this point, let alone evidence on Hitler's death.  Furthermore Stalin was so paranoid that he did not even believe Hitler was dead himself, contrary to what officers in the field were telling him.  The Russians would have liked to capture and kill him themselves if they were going to fabricate anything.  The intelligence agencies were political and they disagreed with each other over how to contain and expose the truth to their advantage.

    Perhaps the Adi Lupus story is true, and that Hitler fled to Spain, however it is much more likely this mysterious figure was someone other than Hitler himself and another n**i figure.  Hitler's plane was used to transport high ranking n**i officials to Spain in the closing days of the war, but the odds that Hitler himself was on board are slim because of what Hitler himself believed.

    Hitler by all his own accounts would not have tried to escape outside of Germany in those final days.  His political testament showed his resolve and his intentions.  It was not his personality to flee and simply survive somewhere.  In the end, Hitler died with the Reich.

  9. where on earth did you get all this rubbish from none of it is true Hitles and Eve Braun both commited suicide and their bodies burnt end of subject

  10. You let us know why some (eg, those on far, far right of politics) believed Hitler survived - Thank you for this.

    Very, very important stuff in the Seventies - but right now, if he'd lived he'd be about 120 years old (he was one of the older n***s, born in 1889), so whether he lived or not is rather a moot point.

  11. He was last heard of in New York actually.  He was selling stock when the tried to privatize the Brooklyn Bridge.

    This is of course where the saying "If you believe that, have I got a bridge for you" came from.

  12. World War 2:

    I dunno, I think some people killed him.

    I dunno who, i dunno how.


  13. Russians.

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