
What Was The Best Time Period of The Past?

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What time period of the past (WAY past) do you like the best? The roaring 20's? The Victorian Age? 1500's?




  1. It depends if I could have money and be a man...

    no fun being a woman in the 1500's with no money..Victorian? Would have been a scullery maid up at 4 bed by 7pm, one day off a month, and the 20's lots of money too! Otherwise working as a teacher unable to marry for so many reasons, you were not allowed to be female and married as well as teach, and if you were lucky enough to find a man as they had all been killed in the Great War!

  2. Mine is Late Antiquity (284-about 700 AD). It is filled with interesting things. It had barbarian migrations, the breakup of the Roman Empire, the birth of the modern European nations, the rise of Christianity and Islam (two of the most important religions in world), and fascinating people like Constantine, Justinian and Theodora, Theodoric, and perhaps even King Arthur.

    Plus, until recently, it has gotten almost no attention, and even now its importance, in my opinion, seems overlooked by most people.  

  3. That depends on what society youre talking about. One time period for one country might be wonderful while at the same time, horrible for another.

  4. I find ancient history the most fascinating, especially ancient Egypt.  And I find the medieval period fascinating too.

  5. Not sure, I think they are all good.  

  6. I personally like The American Revolution and the pre- Civil War to the Civil War

  7. I favour the 15th and 16th centuries in France and England, such bawdy rulers and conflict between each other! I also adore the '20s, they did things that made their parents bawl.

    The clothing was especially fantastic in both eras, the farthingales in the eldest of my favoured periods, the dramatic collars of Elizabeth's time and oh, the jewels! As for the '20s...yeeeooo! Rouge on the knee, heavy eye makeup, shorter skirts, bobbed hair and finger waves - marvellous, bold and wonderful.


  8. Definitely the victorian age. Pretty dresses, lots of dancing, and great works of art.  

  9. The pre-Industrial Revolution USA

  10. i dont know!

    i have always desired to go back to like the 19th century of early 20th century and see what life was REALLY like not just what history tells us!

  11. America just before and during the Civil War fascinates me, but I would never want to live back then.  Imagine the summer heat with no air conditioning and having to wear all that clothing  Imagine not having clean water, hot or cold, whatever you wanted, at your fingertips.  Think of the diseases for which there were no cures.  

    I'll read about other time periods, but I'll stay where I am, thank you.  :-)

  12. 1500 all the way~!

  13. The most interesting period I think is the Second World War. But I also like learning about other events of the 20th century, like World War I and the Cold War.

    The best time to live, especially for the Untied States but also for almost any place in the world with a few exceptions, was probably the 1990s.

  14. Not sure, didn't experience them. I'd say the age during the belief of witches and vampires, though, I'd probably been burned at the stake for being a "witch'.....that and the 1980's!!

  15. I'd say the French Revolution and Napoleonic eras. Wow --- to have seen the revolution and then fought with Napoleon in Egypt and then at Austerlitz and again at Waterloo. You'd have some stories to tell (if you survived)

  16. My favorite periods are The Tudor Period (English Renaissance), The English Baroque period, And the Victorian Period.

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