
What Was The MSG Incident About?

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What Was The MSG Incident About?




  1. the first one who answered basically gave it all so i'll just provide the link for the complete detail..

  2. You can read it in detail here :

  3. One of the more talked-about actions involving the Clique was the MSG Incident, which took place on May 19, 1996 and involved all of the Clique except for Waltman. At the time of the incident, Hall and Nash were about to leave the WWF for WCW. At a major WWF house show in Madison Square Garden, Michaels and Levesque (as Helmsley) worked separate singles matches with Hall and Nash. Earlier in the card, Levesque worked a match, as a heel, with Scott Hall (as Razor Ramon) in which the departing Hall would job to Levesque to put him over. Later, in the main event, Michaels, as a face, worked a steel cage match with Nash (as Diesel), as a heel, in which the departing Nash would job to Michaels to put him over. Immediately after the match, Hall walked towards the ring, came in, and hugged Michaels. This was not seen as a problem, since both Hall and Michaels were faces in the storylines. But after Hall and Michaels hugged, Levesque walked towards the ring, got in, and also hugged Hall, despite working a match earlier in which Hall was a face and Levesque was a heel. Then, Nash stood up after being pinned by Michaels and all four shared a prolonged group hug.

    Their actions in the "Curtain Call" scandalized WWF management, who at the time wanted to maintain the illusion that the supposed antipathy between faces and heels was real and that they were not friends outside the ring. Because Michaels was the WWF Champion at the time and was one of the promotion's biggest drawing cards, the WWF feared that punishing him would hurt its business. Hall and Nash were soon to leave for WCW (Hall arrived just over one week later, Nash three weeks later), so they escaped punishment. The punishment fell solely on Levesque; he was demoted from championship contender to jobber to the stars, although he did win the WWF Intercontinental Championship five months later.

    This punishment turned out to have a major impact on the WWF's future. Before the MSG Incident, Levesque had been booked to win the King of the Ring tournament late that spring. The winner of this title traditionally received a large push toward stardom. However, the incident led the WWF to change the booking for the tournament. The King of the Ring title would instead go to "Stone Cold" Steve Austin; his win (and subsequent "Austin 3:16" speech) started his rise toward mainstream superstardom and helped the WWF defeat WCW in their business wars. Levesque's punishment only delayed his rise to prominence in the business, as he would go on to win the following year's King of the Ring and later went on to hold the World Heavyweight Championship multiple times for extended periods. Following the incident, Levesque would go on to become a 10 time world champion, holding the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship 5 times each starting with his WWE Championship victory over Mick Foley the night after Summerslam 1999.

  4. The first guy nailed it on the head, although I'm sure he copied everything from wiki verbatim.  

    It was, in short, the first big blow to wrestling's kayfabe style of dealing with things.  It was nothing more than a hug between the four key players of what would later be called the Clique, or the Kliq.  After their final match within the company, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash were met in the ring by Shawn Michaels and Triple H for a group hug.  This was unheard of at the time, considering faces and heels were intermingling, not only in a public setting, but in front of a live audience in one of the most acclaimed venues in wrestling history.  I'm not sure how many fans knew truly what was going on initially that night, and I'm sure many thought it was a turn angle, but it's been built up to be this epic moment in wrestling history.  In a way, it was.  If something like that happened today upon someones departure from the WWE, nobody would bat an eyelash, and actually admire the truth shining through.

  5. One of the more talked-about actions involving The Kliq was the "Curtain Call: The MSG Incident", which took place on May 19, 1996 at Madison Square Garden and involved all of The Kliq except for Waltman.[7] At the time of the incident, Hall and Nash were about to leave the WWF for rival World Championship Wrestling.[8] At a major WWF house show, Michaels and Levesque (as Helmsley) worked separate singles matches with Hall and Nash.[7] Earlier in the card, Levesque worked a match, as a heel, with Scott Hall (as Razor Ramon).[7] Later, in the main event, Michaels, as a face, worked a steel cage match with Nash (as the heel Diesel).[7] Immediately after the match, Hall hugged Michaels, and this was not seen as a problem, since both Hall and Michaels were faces in the storylines.[7] But after Hall and Michaels hugged, Levesque joined the hug, despite working a match earlier in which he was a heel.[7][8]

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