
What Was The Most Embarrassing Thing That Ever Happened To You?

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What Was The Most Embarrassing Thing That Ever Happened To You?




  1. Embarassing at the young one with self lack of knowledge.

    In cheering  " I am Son  of a Rudeness Tribe"

    "Was born and raised by the dead Mummy - Father of a Rudeness tribe"

    As cheap-skate glory and success of National Identity.

    With cheap-skate ghostly stories on success in idol worshiping the dead Mummy as success of glorious past civilization.

    In kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God.

    While passers by were giggling out there.

    In "Gilligan's  Island"

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  2. i was 10 that time.this was my mom,caught my mom cheating on dad with a guy in BED! i swear i wasonlygoing to her room to show her my report card that i got all a's, but yes its true they were completly naked 0_0...............awkward(i didnt know my mom was that kind of person). they didnt notice me so quickly queitly close the door and called dad FAST to come home from work within minutes. when i walked my dad into the room fast , my mom was shocked cold, and i just had to scream out "CHEATERS!!!" when mom and the guy were in bed! like omg , my mom is a w h   0 r e. my dad got divorced, and since then i lived with my dad. im 16 now.

  3. i went to a tanning salon and went in a stand up booth, i was tanning for a wedding so didn't want any tan lines so was in my birthday suit. i would lift my arms and spin a bit so my tan was more even. the machine stopped so i tried to open the door, tried again, and again. started pushing with all my might,( it had to have been loud banging) i was in there for around 4 or 5 minuted trying to open the door , trying to feel for the safety latch and i couldn't find it , i was ready to panic,i was shaking and ready to yell for the 20 something year old boy to come and get me out  but to close his eyes because i was nude.i then realized that i was turning a bit so pushed on every part of the booth and finally a section of it opened !!!! there was not an exit sign on any part of anything. i was shaking so bad i could hardly get dressed and still shaking half way home.

  4. masturbating on the couch at age 12 and I looked up and my mom was standing looking in the window of the front door while she was trying to get the key in the lock to open the door. As she came in the door I was running awkwardly to my bed room stark naked. When i got the nerve to come out of my room, I apologised to her and told her I was scratching, She responded with, "I know what you were doing"

  5. One of the many ..

    One day if had to get a form into a gov dept. If I didn't get the form in I would have to wait another week to get the money owed..

    The office was on the main street of the Gold Coast Queensland Australia..

    As I had a very short time to get there , I jumped up and threw on a sarong .

    I drove to the gov. office , got out of the car , closed the door and walked towards the main door .

    Unfortunately the sarong was stuck in the door of the car ..

    As I walked towards the door of the office my sarong stayed stuck in the car door .

    And there I was Naked to the world trying to pull the sarong out of the door to no avail as I had locked the door ..

    Most of the people who were in the office were sitting looking out onto the street ..

    When I got myself together , I walked into the office with my face an unbelievable shade of red .

    A few people clapped and thought it was very funny ...

  6. A seagull pooped on my face as I was getting on the bus.  Everyone on the bus seen it and started laughing.

  7. HAHAHAHAHA TO THE FIRST POST.  Oh my word man, I would have died.  Lol, man... how funny.  Wow, you HAVE to get best answer.

  8. WEBFRIENDS! (the first post) thats absolutely hillarious! how awkward. and how disturbing for your mum, this ones going to be a bit hard to beat. but heres mine:

    i was at home alone and it was my 23rd birthday, i was just watching tv when all of a sudden i heard a bit of noise outside my apartment. I had planned to go out wit some girlfriends that night and realised that it was them coming to surprise me, i acted like i had no idea that it was them. i kept watching tv and then i heard them slowly opening the door. so i quickly fxed my hair and tried to look good. when they opened the door and came in i realised it was actually 2men wearing those black beanie things that covered their faces like robbers. i got so exciteed cause i thought they were strippers so i ran up to them and stated dancing and claling out yeah! woo! they gave me a weird look and told me to stand still, being the idiot i was i kept dancing thinking that they were strippers until i saw the look on their faces and i realised that they were actually going to steal something out of my house. all of a sudden without thinking i just screamed out OH MY GOD YOU ARENT STRIPPERS! and they both just looked at eachother and burst out laughing. i was so embarrassed and scared at the same time. thank god tehy were so busy laughing i managed to call the cops as soon as they saw me on the phone they bolted out the door.

    i was so scared and now my friends wont let me forget it.

    but it was really embarassing.

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