
What Was Your Favorite Era, and Why?

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What Was Your Favorite Era, and Why?




  1. Just before R&B and Rap was big, 90's early 00's you know Nirvana, AAR, Bright Eyes, Incubus, you know...

  2. 70's cos thats when classic rock went mainstraim :(

    Now our charts are flooded with this R&B pop, chavvy dance c**p.

    I wish I was born then :(

  3. The roaring 20's. It just looks awesome. With the birth of swing and jazz I think it would be a fun time to live.

    Also the 60's would be pretty cool.

    Goodfellas, I have to laugh at that. Have you ever heard of the disco era? Ummm... I think it was in the 70's.

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