
What Was Your Hajj Experience Like?

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I've always wanted to go to Hajj, My dad & his parents are going tis year Inshallah, my mom & sister & me are staying at home, my mom said I'm too young to go im only 13 :(

Anyway inshallah someday i will be going Hajj with my family :)

I want to now what ws your experience like and how old was you :)

I think that no-one is ever to young to go Hajj :)




  1. Me too was there last year with my wife and small kid. Alhamdulillah.Though every set up has been made for Hajj to be easy, there would come for each individual difficulties. This is where our Islam is tested in practical, our brotherhood, tolerance, patiance and Love of Allah. So  if we take the difficulties  as a part of Hajj and a test from Allah, it will only increase the pleasure.  A Muslim is eligible for Farz Hajj since he or she is matured and have all the means. But your wishing and the ecstasy of doing the Hajj might be greater than the joy of Haj itself. So keep hoping and praying, one day you will also be there in the blessed lands Insha-Allah.

  2. I went last year and we took our daughters, ages 12 & 13.  To be honest I think the trip was pretty tough on them because often your sleep patterns are erratic, you always get sick, etc.  But they told me after wards they really liked it because they got to see so many things.  For me, it was very good alhamdullilah.  I was more patient than I thought I would be even when things were kind of tough.  Inshallah Allah swt will accept your parents' hajj and you will go next time.  

  3. I didn't go there :( but all people who went there told me it was amazing and you should feel it yourself

    Allah bless me and you and all Muslims with  going to do Hajj .Amen

  4. i never been to hajj. but inshallah i'll be going.

    hajj experience is the best experience according to many pple. one learns to control anger. and thats what i want the most now.

  5. We all went as a family (10 of us) back in 1998, I was 12 and the youngest person was my sister who was 8 then. MashaAllah it was WICKED and it was really good 'cos all us brothers and sisters were able to help each other through it and we could "chill" together aswell. I didn't find it hard, the only bit which I remember proper tiring me out was when we walked it back from Mina to Makkah, the heat and the mileage!! But everything else Alhamdulillah I was able to do it ok. I got ill when we were at Arafat. And big sis got ill when we were at Muzdalifah. I think it's really hard for the parents 'cos they have to look after their children aswell, and there were 7 of us. And we're 6 sisters and at the place where you stone the Shaytan, we couldn't do it 'cos there were too many people and that so us and our mam gave our stones to our Mahrams (dad, brother and uncle) to throw for us, so that must have been really hard for them aswell 'cos they had to throw so many extra ones (I seen people throwing shoes and chairs at the Shaytan there lol crazzzzy people). And my little sister used to get tired during Safa and Marwa and on the way back to Makkah from Mina so dad used to carry the blob on his back, that must have been hard for him. I think it's easier for the kids, well it was for me anyway. It was wicked Alhamdulillah I'm so glad we went. This year InshaAllah we're all planning on going again, it's gonna be the whole family including elder sisters and their husbands and kids. Like a 10 year reunion at Makkah lol. And yeah I agree you're never too young to go for Hajj or Umrah. My sister was 8 and she managed to do all of it even though she didn't need to, my 8 year old cousin went for Umrah last year and he really enjoyed it. My 8 year old brother is really looking forward to going to Hajj this year InshaAllah. Can't wait to go again InshaAllah 'cos I'm older and wiser than I was back then so I want to do it all again but properly this time. InshaAllah you'll get to go aswell :) We should go on the same aeroplane :'] And Madinah is just too sick, MashaAllah! My grandmother goes for Hajj every year MashaAllah, bless her...

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