
What We can do to end the issue of Global Warming?

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Friends tell that what a simple person can do to solve the issue fo Global warming?




  1. Point and laugh hysterically at those who openly believe in man-made global warming.  Ridicule them:  Compare this to religion or belief in the Tooth Fairy.  These people will follow anyone's lead, just as long as they fit in.  They'll come around.  Point at the giant ball of burning gas in the sky while you laugh.  Demonstrate the power of the Sun by stepping in and out of a shaded area.  Wipe the tears from your eyes.  It's really fun...and way too easy.

  2. Unfortunately, just to tell the global alarmists that they are full of it is not going to do it. They have the public schools and every kid learns that we are destroying the planet. We need to take our schools back first by not paying for this biased education. Taxes pay for all of the public schools to indoctrinate kids to this c**p.

    Maybe, we can claim that global warming is a religion and on that basis should not be taught in school, for the same reason that prayer is not allowed.

  3. Tell Al Gore to shut up.

  4. Just stop believing the lie.

  5. There is nothing you can do.

    We cannot stop volcanoes erupting, or tornadoes, or forest fires, or floods.

    Nature is as nature does. We live with it, then we die with it.

  6. As long as there is money to be made the issue will not end.

  7. No one person can do it all, but everyone can help.  There are a lot of great suggestions at David Suzuki's website:

  8. Stop listening to right wing media and the shills of the oil companies and start paying attention to the SCIENCE. Any idiot can scoff at the science and say it's rubbish, so long as they don't provide any scientific argument themselves. And it's the same old specious arguments as well.

    Please give me thumbs down, I take it as a compliment.

  9. you got to go to al gore's house right away.

  10. Act locally, think globally.  What dan we do , opurselves?  Plastics are a major source of polluiton and another use of oil.  It may not sound like much - but if 1 million poeple:

    1. Went shopping with a resuable cloth bag insted of using the store's plastic bags think how many plastic bags that would save in a year.

    2. Got a bike and a bag that held groceries for it then rode that to the local crocery or to the park or school or commute.  Think of the billions of gallons of gas saves, pollution not created and dollars saved in your pocket and good exercise and all the things you get to see that you miss in your car.

    3. Re-use plastic bags for small items like tomatoes, brussel sprouts etc.  Why not?  They're still work like new so why throw them away?

    4. Wrap your water heater in insulation and turn down your water heater a few degrees.  You save energy and money and get hot water faster.

    5.  In the summer, if you have a back yard or a place to hang laundry - do so rather than use the dryer.  You save money, energy and your clothes smell nicer.

    These are simple things anyone can do that actually make your life better as well as help the planet.  I have designed homes with passive solar heating and cooling eliments.  It's not hard, looks good and saves a lot on your energy bills.

    All the folks still in denial are ignorant.  (I.E. They are ignoring the facts that the world's leading scientists have provided us for years now)  Not only are they ignorant, they are missing out on taking charge of their own lives, good health and savings.  There's not other word for that but "D-U-M-B"

    So be smart.  Take charge and get healthy by doing the right thing for yourself, your community, your country and your planet.

  11. Every time..u see someone wasting water...stop them and educate them to save water... I sometimes even have an argue with my brother who keeps tap open while brushing or shaving.

    Plant trees....the more greenery is less is warming..

  12. Nothing that is going to be of any consequence. I've read the other responses made earlier to your question and some of the suggestions are great. But for us to reverse global warming {assuming that we as humans can} it would require all of us to make a concerted effort to change. I do more walking than riding and when I ride it's usually by public transportation. My bus gets caught in traffic jams and it's not because the roadways are overloaded with other buses.  There are too many people who want to do things their way and a government like ours -- the rights of the individual are more important than societal needs --  is not a good vehicle for change. And even if everyone in the U.S. decided to do everything possible to be "green" that doesn't mean the rest of the world will follow suit. Too many countries have seen us have it all and now they, reasonably, want their shot at the good life. We blew it! But there is one consolation: regardless of what we do the planet will survive {at least for another 12,000,000,000 years until the sun burns out}; humans may not survive but the planet will keep on ticking.

  13. l think it's too late to do something because no matter what we do , it will be worst and worst in next future and maybe we will try to back but it will be impossible.. ( sorry for being pessimistic , but trues are true even they are hurt )

  14. I think global warning is invading our homelands. What happened to New York is getting hotter to 32 C these days, the US mid west is getting rain pours and floods as houses are being washed away yesterday in many states in the US.

    I think what we all should participate together by starting in our communities by applying the simple 3R of Reducing, Reuse, and Recycle.

    Hong Kong is the most polluted city in this world and every one is being affected by its coal fired power generating stations. Wanna an example? There is a coal fired power generating station owned by Hong Kong Power Electric company and is located in the Apli Chau of the Hong Kong side. Due to the continous emission of polluted air and formed dark and cloudy sky, when the pollutants gets heavier, it rained twice in an hour while i was resting in the park nearby under the cloudy sky. What's more? There is a record of 3,000 dead in 2007 caused by the Hong Kong foul air. A record of ten million clinical visits last year for the treatment of chroinic diseases of asthma, heart and lung in a city of total population of seven millions. The car flow capacity is more than 400 per km. Many of Hong Kong citizens can't stand the choking and smelly bunger and diesel fuels used by the ferry boats, trucks and vans. Global Warning has become the top priority for the many developed countries, such as USA, China, Mexico, and the most polluted Hong Kong.

    The economic loss is huge for many environmental pollution casused problem of health and agriculture or food products (including herds and fishery matters). We must participate in carbon dioxide and So2 reduction by signing treaty just like Kyoto Protocol and so on.

  15. First off Global Warming still remains a theory, but good for you to try preventing it.

    Plastics are the biggest problem because of their production and pollution.  You can:

    1)Drink less bottled water, since they are bad for you anyways, and recycle your bottles.  

    2)Use reusable shopping bags when shopping.  Some stores actually give discounts to customers who bring reusable bags.  

    3) Give electronic plastics to groups who could properly dispose of them.

    * A True Fact: A BARREL of oil gives you less than 50 plastic bottles.

    Carbon dioxide and monoxide emissions come from cars and the burning of fossil fuels.

    1) Walk more or leave home earlier on a bike. It's also healthy.

    2) Catch the bus or carpool

    3) Write to your goverment for more hybrid or diesel powered public transportation since many places already have.

    *  A True fact: combined weight of termites exceeds that of humans and they release more amounts of Carbon monoxide,  which is a deadlier greenhouse gas then CO2.

    Reducing the amount of electricity you use, since about 90% of all electricity in the US comes from fossil fuels.

    1) turn off electronics and lights when not in use.  

    2)Install solar panels in your house

    3) Buys energy efficient and chemical effecient machines.

    * A True Fact: No country in the world creates more than 35% renewable energy and the US is one of the top US renewable energy makers in the world.

    A single person can make a difference in preventing global warming .  Thank you for trying to make a difference.  Emcorage others as well.

  16. 1. Reduce, Reuse Recycle

    2. If you own a vehicle own a higher efficient one like a hybrid.

    3. Live downtown and rarely drive

    4. Give to various environmental charities (Union of concerned Scientists, Nature Conservancy, and the Sierra Club, etc).

    5. Go Vegan. Probably one of the greatest positive impacts an individual can have on the environment as meat production in more energy intensive, and creates massive amounts of methane (20x's more powerful than CO2), as well as takes us to 16 pounds of grain to make one pound of beef).

    6. Buy local goods. Being a locovore is key to helping the environment when our food is shipped an average of 1600 miles. I buy at the local co-ops and farmers markets. I also buy local woods, fragrance sprays, clothing and more. Whatever I can find that is of decent quality and price I buy over non-local.

    7. Gardening: I have planted many bushes trees and flowers over the last few years. I also have a food garden that brings local and sustainability to a whole new level.

    8. Compost: Saves loads on trash and I need not by fertilizers which are often petroleum based. I also save on having buy and to ship in extra dirt.

    9. Travel Less: Especially buy plane which literally releases tones of CO2 per passenger per trip.

    10. Promote Awareness: We can't do this alone

    11. Write elected officials to create green laws.

    12. Put CFL's or LED's throughout your whole house.

    13. Use solar and crank flashlights: They save me money and the environment in energy as well as the embodied energy of batteries.

    14. Use tote bags :America uses over 380 billion bags a year that will not decompose in the landfills.

    15. Drink filtered not bottled water which takes petroleum for each bottle you drink and through away.

    16. Throw away a little as possible: I often find uses of people who want things in which many would through away out of sheer laziness.

    17. Buy hemp clothing: grows more prolifically than cotton, is stronger fabric making it last longer, and requires no pesticides.

    18. Buy recycled goods such as toilet paper, reclaimed materials for shoes, used clothing and construction materials, etc.

    19. Add extra insulation to you house.

    20. Walk or bike where possible; Or if you must take public transportation.

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