
What Whould be a good animal besides a dog or a cat for a 12 year old?

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My birthday is coming up and i really want a pet but first i need to figure out what pet would be good for me. I'm not to fond of reptiles but will still take suggestions. I love pets that you can carry around with you. I do not have allergies so fur is not a problem. I'll take whatever i can get but it has to be able to stay in my room pretty much all the time unless it lives in a cage. It also cant be a dog or a cat because we already have one. Thanks!!!




  1. ferret.

    by the way, emily is a pretty name.

  2. a rabbit, if you could git a holland lop buck that would be the best, because they are curious and loving!! and they are very cute. On the plus side they only get up to four pounds!

  3. About a rabbit it would stay in a cage and you only have to play wit it once a day...

  4. Hamsters are good pets for kids. I wouldn't really recommend getting a dwarf hamster because they tend to be a little skiddish, but a standard sized hamster, like a Syrain make great pets and will usually enjoy being handled. There are also ferrets (which are a little more difficult to care for, so make sure your parents are willing to help) guinea pigs, mice and rats. I am not crazy about lizards and snakes and those kind of reptiles, but I have a tortoise that I am completely in love with. Tortoises are very hearty animals and live very long lives, so be sure you are willing to make a very long term commitment. They are fairly easy to care for, and can actually be very social.

  5. My first choice would be a rat. They are great pets, simply keep the cage clean, and plenty of food and water. Handle them daily and you can have a great pet. Hamsters are cute and fuzzy, but often can bite when you try to pick them up. Mice are often nice, but are tiny and can get lost. Fish are super easy, no cage to clean, but you can't cuddle with them. Guinea pigs can be good if you handle them often, but they are very skittish at first. Rabbits are nice most of the time, you need to be VERY careful when picking them up, they can kick very hard, and break their back. Birds are fun to look at, sometimes then can be handled, but they are noisy, and messy. Gerbils are nice, a little on the skittish side, but generally good natured. I don't have much experience with reptiles, but i do know they require alot of work, food proper heat (not too much but not too little).

    No matter what pet you decide to get, make sure you do lots of research. You can even talk to a vet about what is best for you, and find out where you can take your new pet when it has health problems.

  6. It might sound gross at first and your mom will probably flip out, but you might consider a rat. They are very intelligent and as clean as you will keep them.

  7. here's some animals:

    -a hamster

    -a fish

    -a ferret

    -a mouse

    -a guinnea pig

    -a bird

    good luck!=)

  8. I had a guinea pig a couple years back and she was awesome! They make good pets and personally I thought she was more fun than a rabbit because she was more hyper and responsive to me when I wanted to play with her.

    They do require a pretty big cage though, and on average they are very shy animals so you kind of have to take it slow at first

  9. Guinea pigs are really sweet, and, unlike hamsters and mice, they are big enough to cuddle.  

    They get pretty attatched to their family, and when you walk up to their cage, they will make the cutest little piggy noise to tell you they are happy to see you!  

  10. A rat is a good pet they dont bite as much as hamsters or gerbil but ththose are good pets to you can carry them around and they live in a cage. Im  14 and I have a rat she just sits on my shoulder when i take her out also she's really smart ond funny!

  11. I reccomend a hamster. you can play with them and cuddle them, but they live in a cage and you just need to let them out for a bit every day.

    they come in all different breeds and colors, so you have a big variety to choose from. they are cheap, but a good cage usually isnt.

  12. Bunnies, chinchillas, birds, parakeets, fish, gerbils or hamsters. It's all what you want and what your preference is.

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