
What/Why are diamonds......???

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I am doing a essy on diamonds ( for geography :S) and i need some answer....seientific answers....

1)is a diamond a renewable reasourc or a non-remewable or a flow resourse

2) What are diamonds used for?

3) WHy is it important to Canadian Economic Resourses

4) New recomondations of the product ( besides jewerly!)





  1. 1. non-renewable. diamond was formed in the mantle at 150-200 depths, and was carried by fast moving magma up to shallow surface (mainly in volcanic diatremes, and subvolcanic intrusions)

    2. most diamonds, around 70% -75% are widely used in industry, like abrasive, drill bits. only 25% are qualified  as gem.  

    3. canadian economy is greatly dependent on natural resources, oil, coal, copper, kimberlite, they keep canada economy strong. the prices of natural resources have soared in last decade, so canada is taking off. Kimberlite(diamond in it) seems everywhere across canada other than in BC(sucks, that is where i am), and Yukon.

    4. new reco? science research needs tons of diamond. They focuses on the inclusions of diamond. diamond is the key role in establishing the xenocrystic nature of volcanic hosts and in derving mineralogical compostion of diamond sources in the mantle. My professor covers this area.

    new uses? don't know, diamond glasses? who can afford it? heartless sharon stone might be interested in.

    well, i do seriously see diamond bra, diamond skull worth 100million dollars,. i still have pictures for them.

    Hope that helps.

  2. I can't answer all those questions, but I can give you some backgrounds to research a bit more...

    A diamond is the structure carbon atoms take when subjected to extreme pressures and moderate heat. Most diamonds form naturally at the base of "cratons" - thick (around 150km), old sections of continent. They are then brought to the surface in deep volcanic eruptions, which essentially are a pipe from the base of the lithosphere up to the surface. So diamonds are only found where these things appear at the surface - such as the Northwest Territories.

    Diamonds are sought by industry due to their hardness (the hardest mineral known) and ability to conduct heat, making them particularly suitable for drilling...

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