
What Will Happen To Me???????????? ?

by Guest57043  |  earlier

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I was involved in an incident where a man was left in a coma and suffered serious head injuries.

Four people were involved in the beating of this man, one staying behind to effectively put this guy into his coma. i gave the guy two kicks to the chin - chest area after i had been punched by him before (he was on floor when i kicked him unfortunately)

as this happened on a night out (drinking) i was not thinking but i did afterwards.

i handed myself in to the police and told them everything. subsequently, i am the only one who has been charged with gbh with intent section 18, and the others who did more damage to the guy have been released without charge as they went ''no comment''. i am due to appear at magistrates court in a few days and I'm absolutely ****** myself as i am not a malicious person and tried to do the best after the worst. the victim has no permanent injuries and i have had no previous convictions at all and work in an respectable organisation.

Will i go to prison? What i did did not break any ribs or cause major injuries. The only reason for his terrible injuries is what one person did after we all left.




  1. That's a selfish question. This is the Politics section - we debate politics - and wars - and people dying and getting massacred . And you're posting a question worrying about yourself - through your own behaviour. You're just one person. Thousands of people suffer through no fault of their own. You've brought your problems on yourself  -  and some poor guy in hospital.

  2. Section 18? GBH with intent? I would say you are definately going to jail for that. I am surprised you didn't get remanded at your first court appearance. It will probably go to crown too cos the maximum a magistrate can sentence you to is 12 months. The fact it is your first offence will probably not really do you any favours. I got out of HMP Newhall last week. 5 years ago I committed a small amount of benefit fraud. It took all this time to go to court. Both myself and my husband work and we have a small child. I got 3 months in prison. The fact that the jails are full means nothing. I thought the same thing yet I still went. If its any consolation, I was f*****g terrified but it wasn't half as bad as I imagined and I ended up having a laugh and enjoying the break. The difference is mine was only a short sentence as I only did 4 week and got out on 18 day licence so my life has returned to normal now I am home. Your brief must have told you there is high chance that you will be doing jail for this? My advice is pack a bag and take it to court.

    There will be inmates doing worse crimes than you so don't listen to anyone that says you will get beat up in there for the crime you committed. They are full of s**t

  3. Yes its jail for such stuff

  4. When you are banged up,do not drop the soap in the shower

  5. Felony assault,anything is possible but if you have a good record,you won't see any prison time.Especially since you came forward.I guess 2 or 3 years of probation.Good luck.

  6. Tell the truth in court and name your SO CALLED  mates that backed out on you you may go to prison you may get a big fine you may get tagged or suspended sentence talk to your brief before you go into court. Ask to be tried in crown court you may have more luck with a jury.

  7. You helped to viciously attack a man and your looking for leniency?

    It really is of no consequence if you gave yourself up or not, you are still guilty of a nasty crime, one of which there is far too much of these days.  Do you realise, due to people like you, decent people refuse to go out at nights?  

    All I can say is, I hope they throw the book at you and they decide to give you some time in jail.  Let's see how you like being on the receiving end of that kind of behaviour.  

    Maybe you will think more carefully about who you associate with if the others have left you to take the blame.  Does the name "scape-goat" mean anything to you?  


  8. Why did you do that?  What world are you living in when you say you're not a malicious person???  You could have killed that guy!  What is wrong with you?  You need to go to prison...where all idiots like you belong.  Your story makes me sick to my stomach!


  10. One of your kicks could have killed this man.This could have been your mother or father.No one forced you to drink so this is no excuse.I hope you go to prison but knowing this country and it,s so called justice you will get community service and so probably do it again.

  11. Sorry to tell you this but you and you alone are going to face some serious criminal consequences.  If a group participates in an activity, each and everyone is responsible for the entire conduct.  You just gave the prosecutor an easy conviction with your confession.

    As for "no permanent injuries," you are only fooling yourself.  Head trauma, in a coma, brain injuries are VERY serious and may having life lasting repercussions if and when he comes out of his coma.

    On a good note, your lack of criminal contact in the past and steady employment is a mitigating factor.  And you must be out of custody otherwise you would not be online.  Make all your court dates and please have competent criminal counsel.  You are in the UK?  Good luck.

  12. It sounds like your case is serious enough to go to a Crown Court which means the magistrates remand you on bail or in custody depending on the risk you pose of offending or running.It can take up to 6-9months for a case to come up. August is a sort off recess so who knows? Have no doubt though that you're facing pretty serious charges and I'm sorry if I've scared you but that's the truth of your situation.

  13. GBH Section 18 is pretty serious mate. If they charge you with that I think you're definitely looking at prison. Alot of times they knock it down to GBH Section 20 if you plead guilty but think you'll probably still get prison for that.

    I now what you're going through - people don't always know the full story. I'm in court for sentencing next month for GBH as well and will probably get 2-3 years but I have some previous.

  14. You kicked a person when they were on the deck with 3 of your mates, you kicked him in the face and stomach well aren't you a hard man!  what did this person do to deserve the kicking? was he a rapist a car thief a burglar a peado? these are the type of scum that deserve kickings or was he just some bloke minding his own business when you and your mates set upon him?  if thats the case your going to jail and i hope you get bummed vigorously by a pack of AIDS carriers.  You can't bullshit me or the cops, when somebodys prone on the deck if you don't want to damage them you kick them in the back, by your admission you kicked him in the chest which will transcribe as you kicked him in the stomach another point is if somebodys prone on the deck and you want to look the part but cause no damage to the head you could side swipe with your foot the back of the head but again by your own admission you kicked him on the chin which will transcribe as you stamped on his face! or laced him in the face.  The reason why I'm so pissed is because my wee mate who never hurt a fly was set upon by 7 "hardmen" they kicked his teeth in at the age of 21 he had to wear dentures.  I've got 3 of them back so far only another 4 to go.  By the way you better hope the fella you gave a kicking to doesn't have mates anything like me.

  15. GBH with intent section 18/20 is punishable up to 5 years in prison,

    it was very foolish that you "handed" yourself in. the police aren't their to clear your conscious, just to do their job in getting people prosecuted.

    the prosecution lawyer will try to make it look like you done all the damage to this person.

    and quite likely a jury will find you guilty of GBH as this may well go to the crown court

    in light of your good character and you handed yourself in, it is possible a judge will give you  6 months to 1 year in imprisonment

    sorry but sometimes it doesnt pay to be the good guy.

    all the best!

  16. You are about to meet BUBBA @sshole Good ridence and I hope your friends go along!

  17. This case will probably end up in Crown Court and the Jury will no doubt feel no sympathy towards you.  From what you said, it was four "men" against one.  That fact alone says a lot and I have no doubt that you will be given a custodial sentence.

  18. you viciously attacked this poor man while he was laying prone on the floor.

    we could so easily have been questioning a new tragedy (does the name gary newlove mean anything to you?).

    your only concerns are for yourself-i don't see any sympathy extended toward your victim and his family.

    if you are allowed to get off lightly now the next time you and your mates get p**sed up on cheap cider it will happen again-so a lengthy prison sentence is whats called for here.

    but before this going to see your victim and offering a grovelling apology might go some way to your restitution.

    i have taught the fighting arts for many years now-and beleive me when i say i have taught some very dangerous individuals indeed (nice guys-but p*ss one off and you won't do it again)-it would be nice just for a change to see scumbags of yours and your mates ilk picking on one of them-then lets see what happens!-but it's always the innocents that get it.

    life can be so unfair sometimes.

    kicker-stay strong my freind-my thoughts are with you.

    and balls2um-may god walk with you.

  19. youll get what you deserve :) good riddence!!

  20.   I have been a victim of being beaten by 6 guys who were under the influence of drink and drugs... i sustained 12 cracks to the skull, a broken jaw, 3 shattered vertebrae , a snapped occipital pivot (where head attaches to neck) and a brain haemorage... i was in a coma for 7 months and in a wheel chair for 5 years. I am in constant pain , i am paralysed down my left side and i am blind in my left eye... if i could ever regain my strength and regain my constitution , i would literally kill the idiots who did this to me.... but in some weird way i can not treat violence with violence, even aganst those who did this to me.. i want you to know that my family suffered more than me. My daughter has been severely traumatised by this . my family waited in anguish to see if first i would be alive after such injuries and secondly to see if i was going to be in a vegetive state, they waited patiently at my bedside as i was on a life support machine, my wife and daughter did not deserve to see any of this... its not just the damage you have caused to the person you have so maliciously beaten, but all those that are also in his life....     there is no justification in such an attack on anyone, regardless of who they are or what they have done to protect themselves... the guys who did this to me are all serving life sentences , 25 years each minimum.... i have re-lived the impact of every blow that i received in that malicious attack, i have also re-lived the trauma by reading your question..... i do not know you and i do not know what your reasons are for destroying someone elses life... but i really hope and pray that you and the other thugs who inflicted so much harm on another person, would and should be brought to justice and you deserve to be locked up from society for a very long time, and after you are released you will do some community service by helping victims of serious head injuries by pushing them in their wheelchairs and helping them to adjust to having sustained such a horrific burden.. either that or karma will get you and you will suffer the consequences of your truly make me sick

  21. I am afraid to tell you that the only thing that will save you from going to prison, is the fact that the prison system is bursting at the seams. There is a 85-90% chance you will go to prison, for the criminal justice system has been told to go down hard on those committing violent offences, especially when under the influence of drink. The fact that it is your first offence, will not stand you in good favour, infact it will do exactly the opposite. A judge will think that a prison sentence will 'nip in the bud any further offending.

    You mentioned that you where at magistrates court very soon, I would be very very suprised if your case stayed at magistrates court, as section 18 is a very serious offence and punishable by a large prison sentence, so would normally go before a Crown Court Judge for sentencing, as a magistrate only has the power to sentence you to a maximum of 12 months inprisonment, and a section 18 charge, even for a first offender, would start at a minimum of 18 months.

    The only positive thing I can say is that because you are a first time offender, chances are you will go straight to either a low security category C prison (just a fence) or a category D prison, which is open.

    Just because your so called friends went no comment, it does not mean they have gotten away with it, it just means that the police are still making enquiries into it....

    if you need any more advice, please do not hesitate to contact me through here.

    Good Luck My Friend

    (* I do not condone what you did, but I am viewing this from a neutral corner, I am not a judge and therefore unable to judge you, you know what you did was wrong, and I commend you for handing yourself in.. I hope you learn from this)

  22. Free holiday at sing sing. With 3 square meals a day.

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