
What Would Be A Good Way?

by Guest57383  |  earlier

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I want to know a good way to m********e, because what I'm doing now isn't very good.

I'm circumcised if that makes any difference.




  1. whatever you do do not attempt to do f******n restoration, That is real stupid and extra sensation is a myth. Go to for masturbation ideals.

  2. Um i thought masturbation was just doing that upward and downward motion on the p***s...thats what i do. Well on the rare occasion i decide to m********e, i watch p**n (sorry if this offends, but 15 y/o cant resist) and it helps a lot. But i think i do it wrong cause all i get is a clear fluid...not that milky white thing

  3. do f******n restoration

    the gliding sensation of the skin is awesome

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